The SENDcast

A podcast by Dale Pickles


257 Episodes

  1. Understanding and Managing Anxiety with Tina Rae

    Published: 19/11/2020
  2. Managing SENCO Workload with Natalie Packer

    Published: 12/11/2020
  3. Identification of SEND with Kate Browning

    Published: 5/11/2020
  4. The New Breed of Therapist with Alison Knowles

    Published: 29/10/2020
  5. Autism and Coronavirus – The new normal for children and their families with Lana Grant

    Published: 22/10/2020
  6. The Team, the Technology and the Teaching with Carol Allen & John Galloway

    Published: 15/10/2020
  7. Dealing with Grief with Sarah-Jane Critchley

    Published: 8/10/2020
  8. Multi-sensory Teaching Strategies that work well for SEND students with Dr Susie Nyman

    Published: 1/10/2020
  9. Developing a Whole School Approach to SEND with Natalie Packer

    Published: 24/09/2020
  10. Time For A New Curriculum with Lana Grant

    Published: 17/09/2020
  11. Good Mental Health with Fintan O'Regan

    Published: 10/09/2020
  12. Healing the trauma of COVID 19 - The Recovery Curriculum for all pupils with Sarah Jane Critchley Part02

    Published: 4/09/2020
  13. Healing the trauma of COVID 19 - The Recovery Curriculum for all pupils with Sarah Jane Critchley Part01

    Published: 4/09/2020
  14. Going back to school in the new normal with Fintan O'Regan

    Published: 1/09/2020
  15. Speech and Language in Children with Down Syndrome with Angharad Welch

    Published: 30/07/2020
  16. CPD For Inclusion with Carol Allen & John Galloway

    Published: 23/07/2020
  17. Introduction to AAC with Angharad Welch

    Published: 16/07/2020
  18. Communication Friendly Environments with Angharad Welch

    Published: 9/07/2020
  19. Low Cost, No Cost Technology Ideas with Carol Allen & John Galloway

    Published: 2/07/2020
  20. Effective Use of Questions to Extend Verbal Reasoning with Angharad Welch

    Published: 25/06/2020

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The SENDcast is a weekly podcast focusing on Special Educational Needs, it is an amazing way to keep up to date with all the different areas within SEN, best practices and to improve your knowledge around SEND.

Visit the podcast's native language site