Ensuring Access to High Quality Teaching with Natalie Packer
The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

This week’s podcast is discussing High Quality Teaching and how to ensure all children have access. Our guest is Natalie Packer, an independent education consultant, specialising in SEND and school improvement. Natalie develops and delivers a wide range of training and support to schools, multi-academy trusts and other organisations. She is a member of Nasen’s 0-11 Advisory Group, and also supports the Whole School SEND review process. On top of this and being a Governor and Trustee Natalie has also found time to write books The Perfect SENCO and The Teacher’s Guide to SEN. Useful Links: Special Educational Needs in mainstream schools, EEF guidance report - https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/tools/guidance-reports/special-educational-needs-disabilities/ SEN Support: Research evidence …document by DfE: https://www.sendgateway.org.uk/r/sen-support-research-evidence-on-effective-approaches-and-examples-of-current-practice-in-good-and-outstanding-schools-and-colleges.html Rosenshine’s Principles in action - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Rosenshines-Principles-Action-Tom-Sherrington/dp/1912906201 My book which includes a chapter on HQT - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Teachers-Guide-SEN-Natalie-Packer/dp/1785830252 Focus On training for staff available at www.nasen.org Maximising the impact of TAs website: http://maximisingtas.co.uk