New and trendy week 24 - 2024 -!

New and trendy podcasts this week is ready

Expressen Dok

Expressen Dok är en dokumentärpodd med spännande och underhållande berättelser och avslöjanden. Det blir tydliga kontraster där berörande nyhetsdokumentärer blandas med starka personporträtt och berättelser från sport- och nöjesvärlden.Ansvarig utgivare: Klas GranströmAnnonsförfrågningar: [email protected]

Number of episodes: 4

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The Lost Boy

Podcasts like this take lots of time and resources, which is why we’re asking you to subscribe to The Lost Boy. Click here to get exclusive ad-free access to the remaining episodes instantly, for the price of a cup of coffee, and in doing so you'll be supporting our gutsy, independent journalism.One ordinary day almost a decade ago, John Beckenridge abducted his stepson, Mike, from school and vanished.Police investigated for four years, but with no proof of what happened, asked a court to make sense of the crime.That court heard dozens of hours of evidence, and tried to determine how a marriage breakdown became a manhunt and then a mystery.As well as a kidnapping, the story includes cryptic phone messages, a car plunging from an 80-metre cliff and allegations of secret bank accounts, criminal accomplices and illegal border crossings.We'll take you inside the courtroom as two opposing theories are put to the test. Are John and Mike alive or dead?From Stuff Audio, New Zealand’s leader in true crime podcasts, and The Press newspaper, this is the story of a calculating man with a dark past, the 11-year-old boy he controlled and the distraught mother left behind.CREDITSScripted, hosted and produced by Michael Wright and Shannon RedstallSound design, audio editing and mixing by John RopihaVisual design: Aaron WoodProducer: Jen BlackExecutive producer: Chris ReedSpecial thanks to Kamala Hayman and Wei Shao from The Press; Laura Heathcote, Elmo Johnstone, and Matt SlaughterWarning: The Lost Boy podcast contains strong language, content that may be distressing and references to self-harm and suicide. If you or anyone you know needs help, call or text 1737 for free assistance, 24 hours a day.

Number of episodes: 3

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Från Fboy Island, till en parrelation, till småbarnsföräldrar, och nu väntar de sitt andra barn. Det så går minst sagt fort för Klara och Jhon, men har de tagit på sig för mycket? Kommer de fixa att ha 2 barn under 2 år, samtidigt som de båda är mitt uppe i karriären? Hur ser de på jämlikheten i hemmet och hur planerar de att uppfostra Ivy och hennes syskon? Och vad gör man för att inte tappa bort varandra och hålla upp gnistan genom småbarnsåren? Med podden 2under2 öppnar Klara och Jhon boken till ett nytt kapitel tillsammans med er. Välkommen hem till paret Arboleda Elvren.Klipps av Victor Ganguly Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 2

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KRÜMELTALK Chaos trifft Herz

Podcast by Antonia Zimmermann

Number of episodes: 5

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Juggernaut: The Story of the Fourth Labour Government

Forty years ago a brandy-soaked snap election set in motion a seismic chain of events in New Zealand politics. Across a series of extraordinary scenes, Aotearoa lurches from crisis to crisis, with strongman prime minister Rob Muldoon replaced by a Labour Party led by the charismatic David Lange and a finance minister, Roger Douglas, determined to shift the country from the developed world’s most regulated economy to the most embracing of the free market. An economic revolution comes alongside a battle with the US over nukes on the global stage, a terrorist attack in Auckland harbour, and sweeping social and cultural shifts. The reverberations are still being felt today – for many, the impacts remain raw. In a new six-part series, Toby Manhire interviews more than 20 people at the heart of those changes, dives deep into the archives, and presents compelling audio of David Lange that has never been heard publicly, to tell the story of an incredible, whiplash chapter in New Zealand history.Juggernaut was made with the support of NZ On Air.

Number of episodes: 2

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Cafe Qahwa

Join your host, Shaiba, as we dive deep into the ocean of Islamic wisdom to find the keys to living a peaceful, happy and fulfilling life. Every episode is a journey towards enlightenment, where we email our faith to navigate the challenges of the dunya and secure our place in paradise for eternity. From profound Islamic teachings to captivating book excerpts and insightful discussions on modern Muslim issues, this podcast promises an enriching experience that will transform your spiritual path. Don't just listen—join a movement towards transcending the ordinary and embracing the extraordinary in our quest for Jannat Al Firdaws. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 3

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The Teacher’s Pet creator Hedley Thomas returns with a new podcast investigation for The Australian. Bronwyn Winfield disappeared 31 years ago from the idyllic surf town of Lennox Head. She was a devoted mother of two little girls, and was going through a painful separation from her husband, Jon Winfield.Jon Winfield has always maintained Bronwyn just went away and denies any wrongdoing. Subscribers to The Australian and registered users hear episodes of ‘Bronwyn’ first. Plus, you can read more about this case and see exclusive stories, maps, timelines, graphics, video and more at bronwynpodcast.comIf you have information which may help solve this cold case, you can contact our team confidentially by emailing [email protected]

Number of episodes: 5

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La Casa Grande

Este podcast de 8 episodios se sumerge en la violencia en las relaciones íntimas y el control coercitivo, contados por mujeres cuyo proceso de recuperación en el Centro de Mujeres Maltratadas más pionero de España hemos seguido durante más de un año, hablando con ellas en distintos momentos. Sus historias ayudan a entender cómo opera el maltrato, identificar señales de alerta, comprender cómo afecta a la infancia y comprobar que, pese a las dificultades, es posible salir de una relación abusiva.

Number of episodes: 5

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TBD mit Luisa Neubauer

To be discussed mit Luisa Neubauer. Alles ist im Wandel, und wir gehen rein.

Number of episodes: 3

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Hoy es Risco

“Hoy es Risco” es un programa donde se analiza y se digiere la noticia. No replica las notas que han circulado todo el día, se detiene en problemas de fondo y en preguntas que saltan desde las redes sociales. Cuenta con voces especializadas, pero también confronta a actores políticos y sociales importantes con entrevistas en vivo. Analistas jóvenes y voces expertas en secciones de la feria política y reportajes de investigación; de economía y la relación con Estados Unidos; de deportes y cine; de ciencia y filosofía; libros y teatro; tecnología y museos; del lenguaje, el viaje y la música. Una hora de periodismo serio, pero con el tono de Javier Risco.

Number of episodes: 5

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By - Published 2024-06-14

Updated 2024-06-14

New and trendy week 20 - 2024 -!

New and trendy podcasts this week is ready

Expressen Dok

Expressen Dok är en dokumentärpodd med spännande och underhållande berättelser och avslöjanden. Det blir tydliga kontraster där berörande nyhetsdokumentärer blandas med starka personporträtt och berättelser från sport- och nöjesvärlden.Ansvarig utgivare: Klas GranströmAnnonsförfrågningar: [email protected]

Number of episodes: 4

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Ralf Schmitz’ Podcast ist Spontanorama! Hier ist alles möglich, denn kein Gast ist vorherbestimmt – Ralf Schmitz weiß nie, wer als Nächstes durch die Tür tritt. Während er im Studio ungeduldig wartet, läuft draußen ein Teammitglied durch die Straßen, auf der Suche nach wildfremden Passantinnen und Passanten, die jetzt in diesem Moment bereit sind, alles stehen und liegen zu lassen, um spontan mit Ralf zu quatschen. Jede Folge ist eine neue Überraschung, mit einer Mischung aus Lachen, tiefgründigen Momenten und unerwarteten Geschichten aus Ralfs Leben und denen seiner Gäste.

Number of episodes: 5

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Il modo migliore per conoscere una persona è chiederle cosa ha fatto ma soprattutto cosa NON ha fatto! Su questo si basa "Never have I ever", in italiano "Non ho mai", uno dei drinking game più popolari in cui chi partecipa reagisce ad affermazioni del tipo "Non ho mai rubato", "Non ho mai avuto una storia con il capo", "Non ho mai tradito un amico"... Chi non l'ha fatto è salvo, chi l'ha fatto beve e vuota il sacco. Claves (Claudio Pavese, speaker radiofonico di m2o) e Rockandfiocc (Giulia Torelli, influencer e content creator) l'hanno trasformato in un podcast analcolico! 'Ruota tutto intorno a un mazzo di carte. Ad ogni carta corrisponde un "Non ho mai...": una sorta di "celo-celo-manca”, ma più privato, imbarazzante e talvolta impopolare.' In ogni puntata un argomento diverso: dall'amore al sesso, dai soldi all'amicizia. Questo è "Non ho mai" il podcast senza scheletri nella cabina armadio!

Number of episodes: 2

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Monsters in het bos

Diep in de bossen van Belgisch Limburg ligt een verlaten begraafplaats waar zo’n 1800 psychiatrische patiënten liggen. In Monsters in het bos proberen bram ieven en Aafke Romeijn verhalen van deze patiënten te redden van de vergetelheid. Ze raken al snel verstrikt in een web van tragische en avontuurlijke levensverhalen dat hen confronteert met hun eigen verleden.

Number of episodes: 5

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Take a moment with Holzweiler

Welcome to the Take a Moment podcast, a space to block out the noise and let inspiration flow.Our host, Susanne Holzweiler, is also one of the founders of our company. She’s been there since the early days when Holzweiler first started operating as a small agency in Oslo, and is now at the heart of operations as we transition into a global lifestyle brand. Take a Moment with Holzweiler is a podcast inspired by Susanne’s experience of juggling life with a rapidly expanding business. Back in 2016 Susanne was operating as Holzweiler’s CEO: ‘I had been working so much and so hard, after having the business for 10 years. I had also gotten 2 small kids during that period, and it was just everything at the same time. I was working day and night - every spare second I was spending working.’Susanne developed a bad case of burnout, and the remedy for this was quite literally to take a moment. Susanne shifted her lifestyle to allow for a space for wellness, meditation and rest, and to learn new information from books, podcasts and her peers.Inspired by this, Take a moment with Holzweiler is our new podcast where we delve deep into the stories of the people who inspire us. There’s so much to learn if we take the time to listen to other people’s experiences, and this is what this podcast creates a space to do.As our Holzweiler family continues to grow, we get to know the stories of an ever expanding range of people, from royalty to leaders in the modern wellness movement. Holzweiler sits at the intersection of life and style, therefore we often take our inspiration from the real people living life with the values that align with our own.In the rush of the working week when everyone is dashing from meeting to meeting it’s hard to find the time to let creativity flow. So, we invite you to take a moment and join us for this podcast and see where inspiration from these stories can lead you to. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 5

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Cafe Qahwa

Join your host, Shaiba, as we dive deep into the ocean of Islamic wisdom to find the keys to living a peaceful, happy and fulfilling life. Every episode is a journey towards enlightenment, where we email our faith to navigate the challenges of the dunya and secure our place in paradise for eternity. From profound Islamic teachings to captivating book excerpts and insightful discussions on modern Muslim issues, this podcast promises an enriching experience that will transform your spiritual path. Don't just listen—join a movement towards transcending the ordinary and embracing the extraordinary in our quest for Jannat Al Firdaws. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 3

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metaphysical gravity

Consciousness conversations disguised as a podcast! Metaphysical Gravity explores the gap between the physical and non-physical, questions our beliefs and challenges us to align ourselves with the uniting force that is LOVE!Hosted by your consciousness guide, the politely subversive, inveterate wanderer, Erin Gunzelman.

Number of episodes: 5

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Arbetet Krim

Podcasten Arbetet Krim granskar arbetslivets mörka sidor. Där hänsynslösa företagare utnyttjar anställda och där arbetsmiljön är direkt livsfarlig. Podden görs av Arbetet, Sveriges ledande arbetslivsmagasin. Först ut är historien om Barnflickan som flydde.

Number of episodes: 3

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Hatoppgjør er en fotballpodkast som ikke først og fremst handler om spillet i seg selv, men om alt det rundt. Om hvordan fotball noen ganger nærmest kan være et speil på samfunnet. Lidenskapen supportere har for laget sitt er ofte bygget på ting som stikker mye dypere enn idrett, og rivalisering mellom klubber kan handle om alt fra fascisme og Mussolini, protestanter mot katolikker, eller om streikebryting på 1900-tallet. Opptøyene som oppstår når det er dette det spilles om på banen, kan føre til både hærverk og bombetrusler, grov vold og drap. I denne podkasten får du høre historiene om hva som faktisk ligger bak noen av verdens mest intense fotball-derbyer.

Number of episodes: 3

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"Hace calor y soy yo"

El podcast de Womanhood para las mujeres sin reglas que quieren comerse el mundo, que no ocultan sus arrugas, sus ideas, ni su menopausia. Llevamos la menopausia a todas partes con grandes profesionales y personas que nos inspiran. ¿Quieres saber más sobre menopausia? Visita ⁠⁠. Si quieres contactar con algún invitad@, escríbenos a [email protected] o, por nuestra página de Instagram @somoswomanhood.

Number of episodes: 2

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By - Published 2024-05-17

Updated 2024-05-17

New and trendy week 19 - 2024 -!

New and trendy podcasts this week is ready

Expressen Dok

Expressen Dok är en dokumentärpodd med spännande och underhållande berättelser och avslöjanden. Det blir tydliga kontraster där berörande nyhetsdokumentärer blandas med starka personporträtt och berättelser från sport- och nöjesvärlden.Ansvarig utgivare: Klas GranströmAnnonsförfrågningar: [email protected]

Number of episodes: 3

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Ralf Schmitz’ Podcast ist Spontanorama! Hier ist alles möglich, denn kein Gast ist vorherbestimmt – Ralf Schmitz weiß nie, wer als Nächstes durch die Tür tritt. Während er im Studio ungeduldig wartet, läuft draußen ein Teammitglied durch die Straßen, auf der Suche nach wildfremden Passantinnen und Passanten, die jetzt in diesem Moment bereit sind, alles stehen und liegen zu lassen, um spontan mit Ralf zu quatschen. Jede Folge ist eine neue Überraschung, mit einer Mischung aus Lachen, tiefgründigen Momenten und unerwarteten Geschichten aus Ralfs Leben und denen seiner Gäste.

Number of episodes: 4

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Il modo migliore per conoscere una persona è chiederle cosa ha fatto ma soprattutto cosa NON ha fatto! Su questo si basa "Never have I ever", in italiano "Non ho mai", uno dei drinking game più popolari in cui chi partecipa reagisce ad affermazioni del tipo "Non ho mai rubato", "Non ho mai avuto una storia con il capo", "Non ho mai tradito un amico"... Chi non l'ha fatto è salvo, chi l'ha fatto beve e vuota il sacco. Claves (Claudio Pavese, speaker radiofonico di m2o) e Rockandfiocc (Giulia Torelli, influencer e content creator) l'hanno trasformato in un podcast analcolico! 'Ruota tutto intorno a un mazzo di carte. Ad ogni carta corrisponde un "Non ho mai...": una sorta di "celo-celo-manca”, ma più privato, imbarazzante e talvolta impopolare.' In ogni puntata un argomento diverso: dall'amore al sesso, dai soldi all'amicizia. Questo è "Non ho mai" il podcast senza scheletri nella cabina armadio!

Number of episodes: 1

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Cafe Qahwa

Join your host, Shaiba, as we dive deep into the ocean of Islamic wisdom to find the keys to living a peaceful, happy and fulfilling life. Every episode is a journey towards enlightenment, where we email our faith to navigate the challenges of the dunya and secure our place in paradise for eternity. From profound Islamic teachings to captivating book excerpts and insightful discussions on modern Muslim issues, this podcast promises an enriching experience that will transform your spiritual path. Don't just listen—join a movement towards transcending the ordinary and embracing the extraordinary in our quest for Jannat Al Firdaws. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 3

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metaphysical gravity

Consciousness conversations disguised as a podcast! Metaphysical Gravity explores the gap between the physical and non-physical, questions our beliefs and challenges us to align ourselves with the uniting force that is LOVE!Hosted by your consciousness guide, the politely subversive, inveterate wanderer, Erin Gunzelman.

Number of episodes: 5

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Take a moment with Holzweiler

Welcome to the Take a Moment podcast, a space to block out the noise and let inspiration flow.Our host, Susanne Holzweiler, is also one of the founders of our company. She’s been there since the early days when Holzweiler first started operating as a small agency in Oslo, and is now at the heart of operations as we transition into a global lifestyle brand. Take a Moment with Holzweiler is a podcast inspired by Susanne’s experience of juggling life with a rapidly expanding business. Back in 2016 Susanne was operating as Holzweiler’s CEO: ‘I had been working so much and so hard, after having the business for 10 years. I had also gotten 2 small kids during that period, and it was just everything at the same time. I was working day and night - every spare second I was spending working.’Susanne developed a bad case of burnout, and the remedy for this was quite literally to take a moment. Susanne shifted her lifestyle to allow for a space for wellness, meditation and rest, and to learn new information from books, podcasts and her peers.Inspired by this, Take a moment with Holzweiler is our new podcast where we delve deep into the stories of the people who inspire us. There’s so much to learn if we take the time to listen to other people’s experiences, and this is what this podcast creates a space to do.As our Holzweiler family continues to grow, we get to know the stories of an ever expanding range of people, from royalty to leaders in the modern wellness movement. Holzweiler sits at the intersection of life and style, therefore we often take our inspiration from the real people living life with the values that align with our own.In the rush of the working week when everyone is dashing from meeting to meeting it’s hard to find the time to let creativity flow. So, we invite you to take a moment and join us for this podcast and see where inspiration from these stories can lead you to. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 4

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Después del Amor

Conversaciones sobre el duelo y lo que queda tras una pérdida. Con una perspectiva profundamente personal, Marcela Sarmiento y sus invitados exploran las diversas etapas del duelo en un espacio íntimo y sin precedentes dentro de los podcasts en español. A lo largo de cinco capítulos, Marcela navega por las etapas del duelo -desde la negación hasta la aceptación- y explora junto a sus invitados una amplia gama de emociones, confesiones y reflexiones sobre la vida, la muerte– pero sobre todo el amor.

Number of episodes: 5

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Art and Being

Conversations that exist at the crossroads of Creativity and Being. Hosted by Music Producer Toby Lloyd from Tiny Triumph Recordings, each week we bring in experts of all walks of life to talk about their experience, their lives and the intersections of creativity and the human experience. We talk to Olympic Athletes, Award winning Musicians, Composers and Film Makers, Meditation and Mindfulness Coaches, Psychedelic Music Therapists and so many more. If its about Creativity or what it is to be human, then you’ll find it here on the Art and Being Podcast.

Number of episodes: 5

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Arbetet Krim

Podcasten Arbetet Krim granskar arbetslivets mörka sidor. Där hänsynslösa företagare utnyttjar anställda och där arbetsmiljön är direkt livsfarlig. Podden görs av Arbetet, Sveriges ledande arbetslivsmagasin. Först ut är historien om Barnflickan som flydde.

Number of episodes: 3

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"Hace calor y soy yo"

El podcast de Womanhood para las mujeres sin reglas que quieren comerse el mundo, que no ocultan sus arrugas, sus ideas, ni su menopausia. Llevamos la menopausia a todas partes con grandes profesionales y personas que nos inspiran.

Number of episodes: 1

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By - Published 2024-05-10

Updated 2024-05-10

New and trendy week 17 - 2024 -!

New and trendy podcasts this week is ready

Expressen Dok

Expressen Dok är en dokumentärpodd med spännande och underhållande berättelser och avslöjanden. Det blir tydliga kontraster där berörande nyhetsdokumentärer blandas med starka personporträtt och berättelser från sport- och nöjesvärlden.Ansvarig utgivare: Klas GranströmAnnonsförfrågningar: [email protected]

Number of episodes: 2

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Tauche ein in die Welt von “Hummeln&Fische”. Begleite Cathy Hummels, eine Persönlichkeit, die oft missverstanden und angefeindet wird, auf ihrer Reise der Selbstfindung und Ehrlichkeit. Bekannt als Exfrau des Fußballweltmeisters Mats Hummels, wird Cathy häufig auf ihre Rolle als Spielerfrau reduziert. Doch hinter den Schlagzeilen verbirgt sich eine vielschichtige Frau, die in diesem Podcast endlich ihre eigene Geschichte erzählt. An ihrer Seite: ihre jüngere Schwester Vanessa Fischer, die einzige Person, die Cathy wirklich nahesteht, sie herausfordert, kritisiert und dennoch bedingungslos liebt. "Hummeln&Fische" bietet intime Einblicke, ehrliche Gespräche und die seltene Gelegenheit, Cathy Hummels von einer Seite kennenzulernen, die bisher verborgen blieb. Begleite die Schwestern auf ihrer emotionalen Reise, während sie über das Leben, Liebe, Herausforderungen und die Kunst, sich selbst treu zu bleiben, sprechen. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 4

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Ralf Schmitz’ Podcast ist Spontanorama! Hier ist alles möglich, denn kein Gast ist vorherbestimmt – Ralf Schmitz weiß nie, wer als Nächstes durch die Tür tritt. Während er im Studio ungeduldig wartet, läuft draußen ein Teammitglied durch die Straßen, auf der Suche nach wildfremden Passantinnen und Passanten, die jetzt in diesem Moment bereit sind, alles stehen und liegen zu lassen, um spontan mit Ralf zu quatschen. Jede Folge ist eine neue Überraschung, mit einer Mischung aus Lachen, tiefgründigen Momenten und unerwarteten Geschichten aus Ralfs Leben und denen seiner Gäste.

Number of episodes: 2

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Io, Lupo. Per gli amici, Ivan Graziani

"Troppo incompleta per essere una biografia, troppo disordinata per essere una cronistoria. Io, lupo. È un podcast che racconta “a sentimento” e senza soluzione di continuità le vicissitudini di un musicista irriverente e trasgressivo, tenero e velenoso che nelle sue opere è riuscito a siglare una strana intesa tra la poesia, la solitudine e la scorrettezza. Oggi, che siamo diventati tutti un po’ più grandi e che ci siamo abituati a giocare le nostre partite sotto una lente che ci rende levigati e lucenti, dovremmo provare a graffiarci un po’ con le spine delle canzoni di Ivan Graziani e il feltro erboso delle sue colline. Avremmo tutti da guadagnarci qualcosa. Potremmo ritrovarci improvvisamente, capaci di uno sguardo più attento e profondo. Come quello dei suoi personaggi; come quello di un lupo. “(Niccolò Agliardi)

Number of episodes: 4

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Cafe Qahwa

Join your host, Shaiba, as we dive deep into the ocean of Islamic wisdom to find the keys to living a peaceful, happy and fulfilling life. Every episode is a journey towards enlightenment, where we email our faith to navigate the challenges of the dunya and secure our place in paradise for eternity. From profound Islamic teachings to captivating book excerpts and insightful discussions on modern Muslim issues, this podcast promises an enriching experience that will transform your spiritual path. Don't just listen—join a movement towards transcending the ordinary and embracing the extraordinary in our quest for Jannat Al Firdaws. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 3

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Qué estás leyendo. El podcast de libros de EL PAÍS

Qué estás leyendo es el podcast de libros de El País, un lugar donde los únicos algoritmos somos nosotras. En cada episodio, Berna González Harbour charla con un autor o autora para abordar el tema de su nueva obra y conocer los libros que aconseja a los oyentes. Además, Jordi Amat y Guillermo Altares aportarán sus recomendaciones. Qué estás leyendo es un podcast para encontrar próximas lecturas, conocer aún más a autores consagrados y descubrir a nuevos talentos. Cada quince días, un nuevo episodio.   

Number of episodes: 4

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Maja & Amalia - The Podcast

De gråter tills de skrattar och skrattar tills de gråter.Häng med Amalia & Maja i deras råa och nära samtal om allt som känns.Hur hittar man dansen, musiken och solen när livet visar röven?Det är höga toppar och djupa dalar när Amalia & Maja navigerar utifrån sina vanliga, men ändå normbrytande liv och sjuka hjärnor.

Number of episodes: 5

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Art and Being

Conversations that exist at the crossroads of Creativity and Being. Hosted by Music Producer Toby Lloyd from Tiny Triumph Recordings, each week we bring in experts of all walks of life to talk about their experience, their lives and the intersections of creativity and the human experience. We talk to Olympic Athletes, Award winning Musicians, Composers and Film Makers, Meditation and Mindfulness Coaches, Psychedelic Music Therapists and so many more. If its about Creativity or what it is to be human, then you’ll find it here on the Art and Being Podcast.

Number of episodes: 4

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metaphysical gravity

Consciousness conversations disguised as a podcast! Metaphysical Gravity explores the gap between the physical and non-physical, questions our beliefs and challenges us to align ourselves with the uniting force that is LOVE!Hosted by your consciousness guide, the politely subversive, inveterate wanderer, Erin Gunzelman.

Number of episodes: 5

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Arbetet Krim

Podcasten Arbetet Krim granskar arbetslivets mörka sidor. Där hänsynslösa företagare utnyttjar anställda och där arbetsmiljön är direkt livsfarlig. Podden görs av Arbetet, Sveriges ledande arbetslivsmagasin. Först ut är historien om Barnflickan som flydde.

Number of episodes: 3

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By - Published 2024-04-26

Updated 2024-04-26

New and trendy week 16 - 2024 -!

New and trendy podcasts this week is ready

Expressen Dok

Expressen Dok är ett kontrastrikt dokumentärflöde där lyssnaren känner igen den klassiska kvällstidningsmixen med sport, politik och krim. Men också utrikesjournalistik och berörande nöje. Dokumentärerna granskar maktspelare och skildrar dramatiska händelser och extrema miljöer, men även vanliga människors drabbande öden och tar med lyssnaren in i okända rum. 

Number of episodes: 2

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don't worry BE HÄNNI

Persönlich, ehrlich und ungefiltert! Von Auswanderungsgeschichten bis hin zu Gossip im Promi-Kosmos und ganz normalem Termin-Wahnsinn bei den Hännis, von der Herausforderung der Work-Life-Balance bis zur Kunst des Nein-Sagens.

Number of episodes: 4

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Un podcast di Daniela Collu con il pallino per la psicologia, prodotto dal Post

Number of episodes: 5

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Kalam is a podcast about the culture, history and politics of the Middle East. Hosted by seasoned radio journalist Edgar Mannheimer, Kalam aims to be a source of knowledge and understanding about a region of the world that is so often misunderstood.

Number of episodes: 5

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Gatemagasinet Asfalt har gitt arbeid til mennesker med ruserfaring i snart 15 år. Ikke bare gir magasinsalget dem en lovlig inntekt, men det gir dem noe å gå til, en hverdag med mening og de kommer i kontakt med samfunnet rundt dem. Redaktør Stine Hasfjord skal invitere spennende, kjente gjester til studio der den røde tråden kommer til å være rus - noe de aller fleste har et forhold til på en eller annen måteProdusert av Impress Publisering ASAll musikk av Helldorado Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 3

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Io, Lupo. Per gli amici, Ivan Graziani

"Troppo incompleta per essere una biografia, troppo disordinata per essere una cronistoria. Io, lupo. È un podcast che racconta “a sentimento” e senza soluzione di continuità le vicissitudini di un musicista irriverente e trasgressivo, tenero e velenoso che nelle sue opere è riuscito a siglare una strana intesa tra la poesia, la solitudine e la scorrettezza. Oggi, che siamo diventati tutti un po’ più grandi e che ci siamo abituati a giocare le nostre partite sotto una lente che ci rende levigati e lucenti, dovremmo provare a graffiarci un po’ con le spine delle canzoni di Ivan Graziani e il feltro erboso delle sue colline. Avremmo tutti da guadagnarci qualcosa. Potremmo ritrovarci improvvisamente, capaci di uno sguardo più attento e profondo. Come quello dei suoi personaggi; come quello di un lupo. “(Niccolò Agliardi)

Number of episodes: 4

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Tauche ein in die Welt von “Hummeln&Fische”. Begleite Cathy Hummels, eine Persönlichkeit, die oft missverstanden und angefeindet wird, auf ihrer Reise der Selbstfindung und Ehrlichkeit. Bekannt als Exfrau des Fußballweltmeisters Mats Hummels, wird Cathy häufig auf ihre Rolle als Spielerfrau reduziert. Doch hinter den Schlagzeilen verbirgt sich eine vielschichtige Frau, die in diesem Podcast endlich ihre eigene Geschichte erzählt. An ihrer Seite: ihre jüngere Schwester Vanessa Fischer, die einzige Person, die Cathy wirklich nahesteht, sie herausfordert, kritisiert und dennoch bedingungslos liebt. "Hummeln&Fische" bietet intime Einblicke, ehrliche Gespräche und die seltene Gelegenheit, Cathy Hummels von einer Seite kennenzulernen, die bisher verborgen blieb. Begleite die Schwestern auf ihrer emotionalen Reise, während sie über das Leben, Liebe, Herausforderungen und die Kunst, sich selbst treu zu bleiben, sprechen. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 3

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Cafe Qahwa

Join your host, Shaiba, as we dive deep into the ocean of Islamic wisdom to find the keys to living a peaceful, happy and fulfilling life. Every episode is a journey towards enlightenment, where we email our faith to navigate the challenges of the dunya and secure our place in paradise for eternity. From profound Islamic teachings to captivating book excerpts and insightful discussions on modern Muslim issues, this podcast promises an enriching experience that will transform your spiritual path. Don't just listen—join a movement towards transcending the ordinary and embracing the extraordinary in our quest for Jannat Al Firdaws. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 3

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Otto og Anne tar pulsen på landet

Med humor, humør, kløkt og alvor inviterer Otto Jespersen og Anne Grosvold utvalgte gjester for å ta pulsen på landet.

Number of episodes: 5

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Qué estás leyendo. El podcast de libros de EL PAÍS

Qué estás leyendo es el podcast de libros de El País, un lugar donde los únicos algoritmos somos nosotras. En cada episodio, Berna González Harbour charla con un autor o autora para abordar el tema de su nueva obra y conocer los libros que aconseja a los oyentes. Además, Jordi Amat y Guillermo Altares aportarán sus recomendaciones. Qué estás leyendo es un podcast para encontrar próximas lecturas, conocer aún más a autores consagrados y descubrir a nuevos talentos. Cada quince días, un nuevo episodio.   

Number of episodes: 4

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By - Published 2024-04-19

Updated 2024-04-19

New and trendy week 12 - 2024 -!

New and trendy podcasts this week is ready


I flere tiår ble norske barn forlatt av sine egne misjonærforeldre på internatskoler rundt i verden. Altfor mange av dem opplevde savn, omsorgssvikt og overgrep på skolene. I podkast-serien Misjonærbarna får du høre deres historier. Serien består av syv episoder. Den første kan du høre her, og resten av den spennende serien finner du i Fabel-appen. Misjonærbarna er en dokumentarserie av og med forfatter Øystein Stene. Stene er selv er vokst opp i Misjonssambandet. Serien er produsert av Gyldendal i 2024. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 1

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Un podcast di Daniela Collu con il pallino per la psicologia, prodotto dal Post

Number of episodes: 2

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Gatemagasinet Asfalt har gitt arbeid til mennesker med ruserfaring i snart 15 år. Ikke bare gir magasinsalget dem en lovlig inntekt, men det gir dem noe å gå til, en hverdag med mening og de kommer i kontakt med samfunnet rundt dem. Redaktør Stine Hasfjord skal invitere spennende, kjente gjester til studio der den røde tråden kommer til å være rus - noe de aller fleste har et forhold til på en eller annen måteProdusert av Impress Publisering ASAll musikk av Helldorado Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 2

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Io, Lupo. Per gli amici, Ivan Graziani

"Troppo incompleta per essere una biografia, troppo disordinata per essere una cronistoria. Io, lupo. È un podcast che racconta “a sentimento” e senza soluzione di continuità le vicissitudini di un musicista irriverente e trasgressivo, tenero e velenoso che nelle sue opere è riuscito a siglare una strana intesa tra la poesia, la solitudine e la scorrettezza. Oggi, che siamo diventati tutti un po’ più grandi e che ci siamo abituati a giocare le nostre partite sotto una lente che ci rende levigati e lucenti, dovremmo provare a graffiarci un po’ con le spine delle canzoni di Ivan Graziani e il feltro erboso delle sue colline. Avremmo tutti da guadagnarci qualcosa. Potremmo ritrovarci improvvisamente, capaci di uno sguardo più attento e profondo. Come quello dei suoi personaggi; come quello di un lupo. “(Niccolò Agliardi)

Number of episodes: 4

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don't worry BE HÄNNI

Persönlich, ehrlich und ungefiltert! Von Auswanderungsgeschichten bis hin zu Gossip im Promi-Kosmos und ganz normalem Termin-Wahnsinn bei den Hännis, von der Herausforderung der Work-Life-Balance bis zur Kunst des Nein-Sagens.

Number of episodes: 1

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Otto og Anne tar pulsen på landet

Med humor, humør, kløkt og alvor inviterer Otto Jespersen og Anne Grosvold utvalgte gjester for å ta pulsen på landet.

Number of episodes: 5

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Qué estás leyendo. El podcast de libros de EL PAÍS

Qué estás leyendo es el podcast de libros de El País, un lugar donde los únicos algoritmos somos nosotras. En cada episodio, Berna González Harbour charla con un autor o autora para abordar el tema de su nueva obra y conocer los libros que aconseja a los oyentes. Además, Jordi Amat y Guillermo Altares aportarán sus recomendaciones. Qué estás leyendo es un podcast para encontrar próximas lecturas, conocer aún más a autores consagrados y descubrir a nuevos talentos. Cada quince días, un nuevo episodio.   

Number of episodes: 4

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metaphysical gravity

Consciousness conversations disguised as a podcast! Metaphysical Gravity explores the gap between the physical and non-physical, questions our beliefs and challenges us to align ourselves with the uniting force that is LOVE!Hosted by your consciousness guide, the politely subversive, inveterate wanderer, Erin Gunzelman.

Number of episodes: 5

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Patient 11

"Staggering and bold" The GuardianA daring escape from NHS psychiatric care pits inpatient, Alexis Quinn, against some of the most powerful institutions in the State. Young mother and former GB youth swimmer, Alexis, agrees to enter NHS England psychiatric care following a family tragedy. She could never imagine that her three-day admission will turn into a three-year ordeal. Then undiagnosed with autism, and often the subject of 24-hour surveillance as well as long periods in solitary confinement, Alexis descends to the darkest reaches of locked-in, psychiatric care. There, she encounters the kind of threat she never could have imagined in a secure mental health hospital. In a bid to break free, Alexis plots a daring escape. Making it back to her daughter, however, will pit her against some of the most powerful institutions in the State, including the police. Narrated by Nicholas Pinnock (Top Boy, Django, For Life).

Number of episodes: 5

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EMDR Italia

Il primo podcast italiano dedicato alla terapia EMDR (dall’inglese Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Desensibilizzazione e rielaborazione attraverso i movimenti oculari).EMDR ITALIA è la serie audio che racconta le principali problematiche legate ai traumi e come l’approccio EMDR può essere un aiuto concreto.E’ un podcast dell’Associazione per l’EMDR in Italia.Sito web

Number of episodes: 3

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By - Published 2024-03-22

Updated 2024-03-22

New and trendy week 7 - 2024 -!

New and trendy podcasts this week is ready

HeartSmart Conversations

HeartSmart Conversations, a weekly podcast with Märtha Louise, Mari Manzetti & Lilli Bendriss. Three spiritual women with a deep felt desire to help all people understand the transformational power of love, and how to implement it into our lives for the better of all mankind.Produced by Cornelia Scheele Carlsen, HeartSmart ASCollaboration send to [email protected]: Thomas Qvale

Number of episodes: 2

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The Moanan

The Moanan Podcast is a platform connecting Pacific knowledge to Pacific peoples. Each week, we share knowledge & wisdom from those of the Moana, from various fields & disciplines. This podcast is for the young Pacific person, raised in the west, wanting to connect to their cultural roots & ancestral homes.

Number of episodes: 4

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I flere tiår ble norske barn forlatt av sine egne misjonærforeldre på internatskoler rundt i verden. Altfor mange av dem opplevde savn, omsorgssvikt og overgrep på skolene. I podkast-serien Misjonærbarna får du høre deres historier. Serien består av syv episoder. Den første kan du høre her, og resten av den spennende serien finner du i Fabel-appen. Misjonærbarna er en dokumentarserie av og med forfatter Øystein Stene. Stene er selv er vokst opp i Misjonssambandet. Serien er produsert av Gyldendal i 2024. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 1

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Die Kolenitchenkos haben eine Entscheidung getroffen, die Ihr ganzes Leben auf den Kopf stellen wird: Sie gehen auf Weltreise und nehmen EUCH mit! Im Februar 2024 kehren sie Las Vegas vorerst den Rücken und reisen mit Ihren beiden Kindern Milan & Arielle zu den schönsten und spannendsten Orten dieser Welt 🌏Exklusive Einblicke, ehrliche Gespräche und ein Hauch von Drama verspricht „Oksanas Welt“, eine Geschichte, die gerade geschrieben wird. Fernweh garantiert. Viel Spaß!Folge Oksana auf Instagram:

Number of episodes: 4

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El Santo Rosario con Alexander Acha y Emmanuel

Reza el Santo Rosario con Alexander Acha y Emmanuel - Incluye: Misterios Gloriosos, Misterios Gozosos, Misterios Dolorosos, Misterios Luminosos

Number of episodes: 5

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Io, Lupo. Per gli amici, Ivan Graziani

"Troppo incompleta per essere una biografia, troppo disordinata per essere una cronistoria. Io, lupo. È un podcast che racconta “a sentimento” e senza soluzione di continuità le vicissitudini di un musicista irriverente e trasgressivo, tenero e velenoso che nelle sue opere è riuscito a siglare una strana intesa tra la poesia, la solitudine e la scorrettezza. Oggi, che siamo diventati tutti un po’ più grandi e che ci siamo abituati a giocare le nostre partite sotto una lente che ci rende levigati e lucenti, dovremmo provare a graffiarci un po’ con le spine delle canzoni di Ivan Graziani e il feltro erboso delle sue colline. Avremmo tutti da guadagnarci qualcosa. Potremmo ritrovarci improvvisamente, capaci di uno sguardo più attento e profondo. Come quello dei suoi personaggi; come quello di un lupo. “(Niccolò Agliardi)

Number of episodes: 4

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Gatemagasinet Asfalt har gitt arbeid til mennesker med ruserfaring i snart 15 år. Ikke bare gir magasinsalget dem en lovlig inntekt, men det gir dem noe å gå til, en hverdag med mening og de kommer i kontakt med samfunnet rundt dem. Redaktør Stine Hasfjord skal invitere spennende, kjente gjester til studio der den røde tråden kommer til å være rus - noe de aller fleste har et forhold til på en eller annen måteProdusert av Impress Publisering ASAll musikk av Helldorado Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 1

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Mind The Gap: Tube 160

Join host Tim Dunn on a journey into the amazing underground world of the London Tube! For 160 years the London Underground has been part of the fabric of life in the capital. Tim travels to Tube stations across London, along his way meeting guests including tv and radio presenter Rylan, writer, DJ and Night Czar Amy Lamé and designer Wayne Hemingway and hears stories of their passion and love for the world’s oldest underground network. An official podcast from Transport for London.

Number of episodes: 5

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At leve med døden - fortællinger fra et hospice

I denne podcastserie vil du blive lukket inden for hos Hospice Limfjord i Skive. Er vi bange for at dø? Hvad er en værdig død? Kan døden gøre os klogere på livet? Hvilket rolle spiller håbet på hospice? Hvordan kan nogle menneske holde til at arbejde med så meget lidelse? Dét er blot nogle af de spørgsmål, du vil blive klogere på i denne serie.Produceret og tilrettelagt af Mathilde Folmer for Hospice Limfjord. Spørgsmål og kommentarer kan sendes til [email protected]

Number of episodes: 5

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Patient 11

A daring escape from NHS psychiatric care pits inpatient, Alexis Quinn, against some of the most powerful institutions in the State. Young mother and former GB youth swimmer, Alexis, agrees to enter NHS England psychiatric care following a family tragedy. She could never imagine that her three-day admission will turn into a three-year ordeal. Then undiagnosed with autism, and often the subject of 24-hour surveillance as well as long periods in solitary confinement, Alexis descends to the darkest reaches of locked-in, psychiatric care. There, she encounters the kind of threat she never could have imagined in a secure mental health hospital. In a bid to break free, Alexis plots a daring escape. Making it back to her daughter, however, will pit her against some of the most powerful institutions in the State, including the police. Narrated by Nicholas Pinnock (Top Boy, Django, For Life).

Number of episodes: 5

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By - Published 2024-02-16

Updated 2024-02-16

New and trendy week 6 - 2024 -!

New and trendy podcasts this week is ready


I flere tiår ble norske barn forlatt av sine egne misjonærforeldre på internatskoler rundt i verden. Altfor mange av dem opplevde savn, omsorgssvikt og overgrep på skolene. I podkast-serien Misjonærbarna får du høre deres historier. Serien består av syv episoder. Den første kan du høre her, og resten av den spennende serien finner du i Fabel-appen. Misjonærbarna er en dokumentarserie av og med forfatter Øystein Stene. Stene er selv er vokst opp i Misjonssambandet. Serien er produsert av Gyldendal i 2024. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 1

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El Santo Rosario con Alexander Acha y Emmanuel

Reza el Santo Rosario con Alexander Acha y Emmanuel - Incluye: Misterios Gloriosos, Misterios Gozosos, Misterios Dolorosos, Misterios Luminosos

Number of episodes: 5

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Gatemagasinet Asfalt har gitt arbeid til mennesker med ruserfaring i snart 15 år. Ikke bare gir magasinsalget dem en lovlig inntekt, men det gir dem noe å gå til, en hverdag med mening og de kommer i kontakt med samfunnet rundt dem. Redaktør Stine Hasfjord skal invitere spennende, kjente gjester til studio der den røde tråden kommer til å være rus - noe de aller fleste har et forhold til på en eller annen måteProdusert av Impress Publisering ASAll musikk av Helldorado Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 1

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Io, Lupo. Per gli amici, Ivan Graziani

"Troppo incompleta per essere una biografia, troppo disordinata per essere una cronistoria. Io, lupo. È un podcast che racconta “a sentimento” e senza soluzione di continuità le vicissitudini di un musicista irriverente e trasgressivo, tenero e velenoso che nelle sue opere è riuscito a siglare una strana intesa tra la poesia, la solitudine e la scorrettezza. Oggi, che siamo diventati tutti un po’ più grandi e che ci siamo abituati a giocare le nostre partite sotto una lente che ci rende levigati e lucenti, dovremmo provare a graffiarci un po’ con le spine delle canzoni di Ivan Graziani e il feltro erboso delle sue colline. Avremmo tutti da guadagnarci qualcosa. Potremmo ritrovarci improvvisamente, capaci di uno sguardo più attento e profondo. Come quello dei suoi personaggi; come quello di un lupo. “(Niccolò Agliardi)

Number of episodes: 4

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Talking Pictures

From TCM and MAX, this is Talking Pictures: A Movie Memories Podcast, hosted by Ben Mankiewicz. We all remember the first movie to really scare us, or the movie a parent loved and watched repeatedly. We know which movies changed us, inspiring a move or a new career path. Mankiewicz, the Turner Classic Movies host, collects these moviegoing memories from Hollywood’s most interesting writers, actors, and directors in Talking Pictures. Listen in as movie-lovers swap stories, jokes, surprising moments, and endless movie recommendations; then watch some of those very same films on the streaming service MAX. For the cinephile or the casual movie lover, this is a conversation about all the life that happens because of watching movies. 

Number of episodes: 5

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At leve med døden - fortællinger fra et hospice

I denne podcastserie vil du blive lukket inden for hos Hospice Limfjord i Skive. Er vi bange for at dø? Hvad er en værdig død? Kan døden gøre os klogere på livet? Hvilket rolle spiller håbet på hospice? Hvordan kan nogle menneske holde til at arbejde med så meget lidelse? Dét er blot nogle af de spørgsmål, du vil blive klogere på i denne serie.Produceret og tilrettelagt af Mathilde Folmer for Hospice Limfjord. Spørgsmål og kommentarer kan sendes til [email protected]

Number of episodes: 4

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Mind The Gap: Tube 160

Join host Tim Dunn on a journey into the amazing underground world of the London Tube! For 160 years the London Underground has been part of the fabric of life in the capital. Tim travels to Tube stations across London, along his way meeting guests including tv and radio presenter Rylan, writer, DJ and Night Czar Amy Lamé and designer Wayne Hemingway and hears stories of their passion and love for the world’s oldest underground network. An official podcast from Transport for London.

Number of episodes: 5

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Sangue Loro - Il ragazzo mandato a uccidere

"Sangue Loro - Il ragazzo mandato a uccidere" è un podcast Originale di Sky Italia e Sky TG24 realizzato da Chora Media.Da un’idea di Luca Lancise.Scritto da Luca Lancise e Pablo Trincia;con il supporto redazionale di Antonella Serrecchia.La sigla, le musiche e il sound design sono di Michele Boreggi; il Ney, il Saz e l’Oud sono di Pejman Tadayon,le percussioni di Simone Pulvano.La post-produzione è di Michele Boreggi.La creative producer è Audrey Gouband.Il fonico di presa diretta è Michele Boreggi,i fonici di studio sono Luca Possi, Lucrezia Marcelli, Aurora Ricci;e Walker Lee.Un ringraziamento a Radio Radicale per l’uso del suo archivio.Per Sky TG24:Direttore: Giuseppe De BellisVicedirettore Vicario: Omar SchillaciVicedirettori: Michele Cagiano, Alessandro Marenzi, Daniele MorettiHead of News Production: Alessandra Berardi

Number of episodes: 1

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Patient 11

A daring escape from NHS psychiatric care pits inpatient, Alexis Quinn, against some of the most powerful institutions in the State. Young mother and former GB youth swimmer, Alexis, agrees to enter NHS England psychiatric care following a family tragedy. She could never imagine that her three-day admission will turn into a three-year ordeal. Then undiagnosed with autism, and often the subject of 24-hour surveillance as well as long periods in solitary confinement, Alexis descends to the darkest reaches of locked-in, psychiatric care. There, she encounters the kind of threat she never could have imagined in a secure mental health hospital. In a bid to break free, Alexis plots a daring escape. Making it back to her daughter, however, will pit her against some of the most powerful institutions in the State, including the police. Narrated by Nicholas Pinnock (Top Boy, Django, For Life).

Number of episodes: 5

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Een Goed Systeem

Yousef Gnaoui en socioloog en filosoof Willem Schinkel proberen in Een Goed Systeem problemen uiteen te zetten die zó groot zijn geworden dat het lijkt alsof er geen oplossingen meer voor bestaan. Aan de hand van verschillende audiofragmenten bespreken ze de geschiedkundige wortels, de functie in inzet van taal en de rol van media. Altijd in gezelschap van een gast die dichtbij de thematiek staat gaan ze tóch met elkaar op zoek naar een oplossing.Dit is een onregelmatig verschijnende periodieke podcast, dus zorg dat je je abonneert om toekomstige afleveringen niet te missen.

Number of episodes: 2

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By - Published 2024-02-09

Updated 2024-02-09

New and trendy week 5 - 2024 -!

New and trendy podcasts this week is ready

Marc Geiger : Justice

Maître Marc Geiger est avocat pénaliste au barreau de Carpentras. Vous pouvez le retrouver régulièrement aux côtés de Faustine Bollaert dans Ça commence aujourd’hui sur France 2. Sa bienveillance, son humanité en font une personnalité à part dans le monde judiciaire. Un jeudi sur deux à partir du 30 novembre, retrouvez Marc Geiger et ses invités. 10 invités, 10 épisodes pour mettre en lumière de terribles affaires de guet-apens. Des scénarios qui font froid dans le dos, des plans que les agresseurs (des proches ou des inconnus) mettent placidement à exécution, des victimes meurtries dans leur chair et qui mettront des années à se reconstruire physiquement et psychologiquement.

Number of episodes: 5

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I flere tiår ble norske barn forlatt av sine egne misjonærforeldre på internatskoler rundt i verden. Altfor mange av dem opplevde savn, omsorgssvikt og overgrep på skolene. I podkast-serien Misjonærbarna får du høre deres historier. Serien består av syv episoder. Den første kan du høre her, og resten av den spennende serien finner du i Fabel-appen. Misjonærbarna er en dokumentarserie av og med forfatter Øystein Stene. Stene er selv er vokst opp i Misjonssambandet. Serien er produsert av Gyldendal i 2024. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 1

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Kan man leve et helt vanlig liv, men oppnå uvanlig gode resultater?I Løperådet skal Ingrid, Live og Josefine prøve ut og finne svaret på hvilke løperåd som faktisk funker.

Number of episodes: 5

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El Santo Rosario con Alexander Acha y Emmanuel

Reza el Santo Rosario con Alexander Acha y Emmanuel - Incluye: Misterios Gloriosos, Misterios Gozosos, Misterios Dolorosos, Misterios Luminosos

Number of episodes: 5

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Io, Lupo. Per gli amici, Ivan Graziani

"Troppo incompleta per essere una biografia, troppo disordinata per essere una cronistoria. Io, lupo. È un podcast che racconta “a sentimento” e senza soluzione di continuità le vicissitudini di un musicista irriverente e trasgressivo, tenero e velenoso che nelle sue opere è riuscito a siglare una strana intesa tra la poesia, la solitudine e la scorrettezza. Oggi, che siamo diventati tutti un po’ più grandi e che ci siamo abituati a giocare le nostre partite sotto una lente che ci rende levigati e lucenti, dovremmo provare a graffiarci un po’ con le spine delle canzoni di Ivan Graziani e il feltro erboso delle sue colline. Avremmo tutti da guadagnarci qualcosa. Potremmo ritrovarci improvvisamente, capaci di uno sguardo più attento e profondo. Come quello dei suoi personaggi; come quello di un lupo. “(Niccolò Agliardi)

Number of episodes: 4

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Catching Dad's Killer

In June 2016, Bob Dickie went missing from his farm house near Dubbo, NSW. His family always thought there was something strange about their dad's disappearance. In 2020, a woman is arrested for Robert's murder in New Zealand; she is extradited to Australia to face the charges, but that's just the start of the story. Across an 8-week trial in NSW, we hear stories of Bob's love of women, his transgender encounters, and the shocking theory that he was fed to his farm animals.

Number of episodes: 5

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Talking Pictures

From TCM and MAX, this is Talking Pictures: A Movie Memories Podcast, hosted by Ben Mankiewicz. We all remember the first movie to really scare us, or the movie a parent loved and watched repeatedly. We know which movies changed us, inspiring a move or a new career path. Mankiewicz, the Turner Classic Movies host, collects these moviegoing memories from Hollywood’s most interesting writers, actors, and directors in Talking Pictures. Listen in as movie-lovers swap stories, jokes, surprising moments, and endless movie recommendations; then watch some of those very same films on the streaming service MAX. For the cinephile or the casual movie lover, this is a conversation about all the life that happens because of watching movies. 

Number of episodes: 4

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Gatemagasinet Asfalt har gitt arbeid til mennesker med ruserfaring i snart 15 år. Ikke bare gir magasinsalget dem en lovlig inntekt, men det gir dem noe å gå til, en hverdag med mening og de kommer i kontakt med samfunnet rundt dem. Redaktør Stine Hasfjord skal invitere spennende, kjente gjester til studio der den røde tråden kommer til å være rus - noe de aller fleste har et forhold til på en eller annen måteProdusert av Impress Publisering ASAll musikk av Helldorado Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 1

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At leve med døden - fortællinger fra et hospice

I denne podcastserie vil du blive lukket inden for hos Hospice Limfjord i Skive. Er vi bange for at dø? Hvad er en værdig død? Kan døden gøre os klogere på livet? Hvilket rolle spiller håbet på hospice? Hvordan kan nogle menneske holde til at arbejde med så meget lidelse? Dét er blot nogle af de spørgsmål, du vil blive klogere på i denne serie.Produceret og tilrettelagt af Mathilde Folmer for Hospice Limfjord. Spørgsmål og kommentarer kan sendes til [email protected]

Number of episodes: 3

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The Norwegian Method Podcast

A podcast presented by Santara Technology, featuring Olav Aleksander Bu and hosted by Dr David Lipman discussing the Norwegian method in depth as it pertains to age group triathletes seeking to qualify or already qualified for the world championships.

Number of episodes: 5

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By - Published 2024-02-02

Updated 2024-02-02

New and trendy week 4 - 2024 -!

New and trendy podcasts this week is ready

Marc Geiger : Justice

Maître Marc Geiger est avocat pénaliste au barreau de Carpentras. Vous pouvez le retrouver régulièrement aux côtés de Faustine Bollaert dans Ça commence aujourd’hui sur France 2. Sa bienveillance, son humanité en font une personnalité à part dans le monde judiciaire. Un jeudi sur deux à partir du 30 novembre, retrouvez Marc Geiger et ses invités. 10 invités, 10 épisodes pour mettre en lumière de terribles affaires de guet-apens. Des scénarios qui font froid dans le dos, des plans que les agresseurs (des proches ou des inconnus) mettent placidement à exécution, des victimes meurtries dans leur chair et qui mettront des années à se reconstruire physiquement et psychologiquement.

Number of episodes: 5

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Eerste Hulp Bij Uitsterven

Het is nog niet te laat! In de spoedcursus Eerste Hulp Bij Uitsterven leer je wat je wél kunt doen in de strijd tegen de klimaatcrisis, in plaats van alle dingen die je niet meer mag. Cursusleiders Carice van Houten en Sieger Sloot ontvangen bekende cursisten in hun lokaal en vragen experts om raad. Die geven praktische tips over hoe je de aarde én je hoofd koel kunt houden.In zes cursusdelen word je bijgepraat over de huidige klimaat situatie. Je leert over kapotte systemen en ondertussen kun je op zoek naar jouw superpower. Want de klok tikt en we kunnen samen echt iets doen. De spoedcursus die je misschien liever niet wil volgen, maar beter doe je het wel!Deze podcastserie is gemaakt in samenwerking met ontwikkelingsorganisatie Cordaid. Kijk op voor meer informatie over de podcast.De soundtrack van EHBU is het nummer 'Het feest is al voorbij' van zangeres MEROL.

Number of episodes: 5

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I flere tiår ble norske barn forlatt av sine egne misjonærforeldre på internatskoler rundt i verden. Altfor mange av dem opplevde savn, omsorgssvikt og overgrep på skolene. I podkast-serien Misjonærbarna får du høre deres historier. Serien består av syv episoder. Den første kan du høre her, og resten av den spennende serien finner du i Fabel-appen. Misjonærbarna er en dokumentarserie av og med forfatter Øystein Stene. Stene er selv er vokst opp i Misjonssambandet. Serien er produsert av Gyldendal i 2024. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Number of episodes: 1

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Kan man leve et helt vanlig liv, men oppnå uvanlig gode resultater?I Løperådet skal Ingrid, Live og Josefine prøve ut og finne svaret på hvilke løperåd som faktisk funker.

Number of episodes: 4

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Raíces - El Podcast de la Dra María Velasco

Llena de ilusión os presento mi podcast Raíces.Un espacio en el que acompañados de expertos, amigos y personas influyentes, trataremos temas de interés y profundizaremos en las raíces que crean y sustentan nuestras inquietudes. También nos plantearemos nuevas raíces que necesitamos desarrollar para construir la vida que merecemos vivir.

Number of episodes: 5

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El Santo Rosario con Alexander Acha y Emmanuel

Reza el Santo Rosario con Alexander Acha y Emmanuel - Incluye: Misterios Gloriosos, Misterios Gozosos, Misterios Dolorosos, Misterios Luminosos

Number of episodes: 5

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Catching Dad's Killer

In June 2016, Bob Dickie went missing from his farm house near Dubbo, NSW. His family always thought there was something strange about their dad's disappearance. In 2020, a woman is arrested for Robert's murder in New Zealand; she is extradited to Australia to face the charges, but that's just the start of the story. Across an 8-week trial in NSW, we hear stories of Bob's love of women, his transgender encounters, and the shocking theory that he was fed to his farm animals.

Number of episodes: 4

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Talking Pictures

From TCM and MAX, this is Talking Pictures: A Movie Memories Podcast, hosted by Ben Mankiewicz. We all remember the first movie to really scare us, or the movie a parent loved and watched repeatedly. We know which movies changed us, inspiring a move or a new career path. Mankiewicz, the Turner Classic Movies host, collects these moviegoing memories from Hollywood’s most interesting writers, actors, and directors in Talking Pictures. Listen in as movie-lovers swap stories, jokes, surprising moments, and endless movie recommendations; then watch some of those very same films on the streaming service MAX. For the cinephile or the casual movie lover, this is a conversation about all the life that happens because of watching movies. 

Number of episodes: 3

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At leve med døden - fortællinger fra et hospice

I denne podcastserie vil du blive lukket inden for hos Hospice Limfjord i Skive. Er vi bange for at dø? Hvad er en værdig død? Kan døden gøre os klogere på livet? Hvilket rolle spiller håbet på hospice? Hvordan kan nogle menneske holde til at arbejde med så meget lidelse? Dét er blot nogle af de spørgsmål, du vil blive klogere på i denne serie.Produceret og tilrettelagt af Mathilde Folmer for Hospice Limfjord. Spørgsmål og kommentarer kan sendes til [email protected]

Number of episodes: 3

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The Norwegian Method Podcast

A podcast presented by Santara Technology, featuring Olav Aleksander Bu and hosted by Dr David Lipman discussing the Norwegian method in depth as it pertains to age group triathletes seeking to qualify or already qualified for the world championships.

Number of episodes: 4

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By - Published 2024-01-26

Updated 2024-01-26