The Curious Case of ADHD with Fintan O'Regan
The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

This week Dale is joined by Fintan O'Regan. Fintan is a trainer and consultant for schools and school support systems including, Social Services, Health, the Police and Foster carers. He supports them by providing behaviour management strategies for children and families struggling with SEND and behaviour issues. Before this he has worked with a number of organisations including NASEN, Institute of Education, Leicester University, the UK ADHD Network and the European ADHD Alliance. And before all of this he was a headteacher of a specialist school for students with ADHD, ASD an ODD. There is so much disinformation on the subject of ADHD partly as it is a relatively new term that many people still see as an excuse and not an explanation and partly as the media has portrayed the use of medication as a chemical cosh for children. Dale and Fintan look to demystify what can be a confusing term for many and will focus on traits and not the label. Useful Links/References: Cooper P and O’Regan F (2001) EDUCATING children with ADHD: Routledge Falmer Press O’Regan F (2002) How to teach and manage children with ADHD: LDA a division of McGraw- Hill O’Regan F (2005) ADHD : Continuum International O’Regan F (2005) Surviving and Succeeding in SEN Continuum International O’Regan F (2006) Challenging Behaviours Teachers Pocketbooks O’Regan F (2006) Troubleshooting Challenging Behaviours Continuum International O’Regan F (2008) The Small Change 2 BIG DIFFERENCE series Hyperactive, Inattentive and Disorganised, Special Direct O’Regan F (2018) Successfully Managing Children ADHD Second edition :Routledge Falmer Press