Dealing with Grief with Sarah-Jane Critchley
The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

There is nothing worse than the loss of someone who is important to you whether you loved them or not. and many of our children will have experienced that pain, whether in their own families, or in their wider social circles. What can we do, as the adults who support them to make sure that we are helping them as they grieve without adding to their pain? In this week’s podcast Dale is joined by Sarah Jane Critchley to discuss how best to support children and staff to understand death, bereavement and loss. Useful Links: Sunderland, M., Hancock, N., Armstrong, N. (2003). The Day the Sea Went out and Never Came Back. London: Routledge, and Sunderland, M., Hancock, N. (2003). Helping Children with Loss. London: Routledge, Rankin, H. (2019). Supporting Children through Bereavement and Loss & When the Sun Fell Out of the Sky. London: Routledge, ISBN 9780367179663 Books Beyond Words – When Someone dies from Coronavirus & other resources Books beyond words – When Mum died - and when Dad died Great resources for teenagers from Young Minds Child Bereavement UK Newsround - Coronavirus: What to do if someone you love has died How to contact Sarah-Jane: Twitter: @SarahJaneCritch Instagram: Facebook: