Autism Different Presentations with Lana Grant
The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

Joining Dale today is Lana Grant. Lana has a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome and is also a parent of children on the autism spectrum Lana is a specialist SEN advisor and an advocate for SEN children and their families. Lana’s first book "From Here To Maternity, pregnancy and motherhood on the Autism Spectrum" was published in 2015. Lana also contributes to various articles, podcasts and delivers talks at various shows and events. She definitely outranks Dale when it comes to discussing autism. There have been a number of portrayals of autism in films and TV series. They portray a simplistic view of autism. They are socially awkward, or struggle to socialise, but amazing at maths or recognising patterns. For a lot of the population, this is how they see autism. But this is not how all people with autism present.