Understanding and Managing Anxiety with Tina Rae

The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

On this week’s podcast we will be discussing understanding and managing anxiety in children and young people with guest Dr Tina Rae. Tina is a consultant psychologist with over 30 year’s experience working with children, adults and families. A recent survey undertaken by the charity Young Minds in March 2020 revealed that the current coronavirus pandemic is having a profound effect on young people with existing mental health conditions. Although they understood the need for the measures taken in response to the virus, the report says, this did not lessen the impact. Many of those who took part in the survey reported increased anxiety, problems with sleep, panic attacks or more frequent urges to self-harm.   Resources and Useful Links: Rae, T. (2020) A Toolbox of Wellbeing Helpful strategies and activities for children, teens, their carers and teachers Buckingham: Hinton House Publishers Rae, T., Such, A. & Wood, J. (2020) The Well Being Tool Kit for Mental health leads in schools A comprehensive Training Resource to Support Emotional Wellbeing in Education and Social Care Buckingham: Hinton House Publishers Rae, T., Walshe, J. & Wood, J. (2020) Supporting Adolescents with anxiety and stress: Evidence based strategies Buckingham Hinton House Publishers Rae, T. (2020) Motivation Matters Buckingham: Hinton House Publishers Rae, T. (2019) Sensory Activity cards Buckingham: Hinton House Publishers Rae, T. (2019) Mindfulness Activity cards Buckingham: Hinton House Publishers Rae, T. (2019) Happy Habits Activity cards Buckingham: Hinton House Publishers Rae, T. & Such, A. (2019) The ASD Girls’ Wellbeing Toolkit An Evidence based Intervention Promoting Mental, Physical & Emotional Health Buckingham: Hinton House Publishers Rae, T. (2019) The Well Being Tool Kit for Teens London: NurtureUK   Anxiety UK 03444 775 774 (helpline)  07537 416 905 (text) anxietyuk.org.uk Advice and support for people living with anxiety. Childline  0800 1111 childline.org.uk Support for children and young people in the UK, including a free 24-hour helpline.   As well as this podcast, B squared also run the Virtual SEND Conference and Parent Talks. The Virtual SEND Conference is a conference for schools that runs twice a year. It is a virtual conference, so the conference comes to you, over the internet. We record every session, this means you can watch the videos whenever you need to. You can purchase access to future or past events. For more information visit www.virtualsendconference.com. At the end of the episode I will be giving you a discount code so you can save some money when you purchase access.

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