The My Little Eater Podcast

A podcast by Edwena Kennedy


106 Episodes

  1. #61: Should Your Toddler Sit at a Kid’s Table or at the Family Table?

    Published: 22/06/2021
  2. # 60: What My Hubby Thinks of My Feeding Approach, His Role In Feeding, and How To Let Go as a Mom

    Published: 17/06/2021
  3. #59: Can babies have spices? Which ones? How much?

    Published: 15/06/2021
  4. #58: BBQ for Babies and Toddlers – Unique Food Ideas and How to Keep it Healthy and Safe

    Published: 10/06/2021
  5. #57: Get Your Toddler To Eat Meat With These 5 Food Play Ideas!

    Published: 8/06/2021
  6. #56: Solo-parenting as a Military Spouse: Parenting on Your Own and the Importance of Community

    Published: 3/06/2021
  7. #55: What It Feels Like When We Pressure Our Kids at the Table (and Why We Need to Stop)

    Published: 1/06/2021
  8. #54: Organic Food for Babies – What You Need to Know and What It Says About You as a Parent

    Published: 27/05/2021
  9. #53: Starting Solids With Twins or Multiples

    Published: 20/05/2021
  10. #52: When to stop modifying foods that are choking risks

    Published: 13/05/2021
  11. Bonus: Mom Burnout – What it is and How to Stop it with Dr. Brooke Weinstein

    Published: 8/05/2021
  12. #51: How to keep and make new mom friends with Danielle Bayard Jackson of Friend Forward

    Published: 6/05/2021
  13. #50: Gardening with Kids: How it can help your picky eater and how to get started now

    Published: 15/04/2021
  14. #50: Gardening with Kids: How it can help your picky eater and how to get started now

    Published: 15/04/2021
  15. #49: The different types of parenting styles and how they affect feeding

    Published: 8/04/2021
  16. #48: Is it ever ok to limit food for your baby/toddler?

    Published: 1/04/2021
  17. #47: Everything to know about eggs for your baby & toddler

    Published: 25/03/2021
  18. #46: The best fish for your baby (and which to avoid)

    Published: 18/03/2021
  19. #45: Understanding the readiness signs for starting solids: Purees & baby led weaning

    Published: 11/03/2021
  20. #44: Do You Really Need to Worry About Salt for Babies?

    Published: 4/03/2021

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Baby led weaning or purees? What foods do I feed my baby? How do I get my toddler to eat veggies? How do I respond when my toddler asks for snacks all day?! Hey there, I’m Edwena Kennedy, registered pediatric dietitian and mom of two, and this is the My Little Eater podcast! Each week, I’ll be dishing out all the best info on feeding and nutrition for your baby and toddler, answering all of your what-do-I-do-when scenarios, and helping you gain complete confidence in, not only feeding your child, but in parenting as well. Every episode is filled with actionable and proven feeding strategies, delivered by a mama and feeding expert, who’s been there and done that. I hold your hand and take you step by step through all stages of feeding, while showing you how to implement what I teach you, so you can raise a happy and healthy little eater of your own!

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