#61: Should Your Toddler Sit at a Kid’s Table or at the Family Table?

The My Little Eater Podcast - A podcast by Edwena Kennedy


In today’s quick tip episode, I’m addressing a really common question that I get about whether or not it’s ok to use a kid’s table for toddlers. Montessori style tables where kids can sit at them independently without the need for a booster seat, or high chair, are very popular. And I can definitely see the appeal! So today I’ll break down what I like about them, as well as provide you with the top 4 reasons that I actually don’t recommend them. Despite the positives that I see from them, like the increased independence and social interaction with other children their own age, there are many reasons why I will always choose to recommend eating together at a family table, over separate tables for kids and adults. Now, I’m not one for an all or nothing approach, you know that! I truly believe you have to decide what works best for your family, and take this information and consider whether changing up how you currently do mealtimes at your house is something you’d like to try. As always, if you enjoyed this quick tip episode, please leave me a quick review - I read every one! I’d love to hear what you think, or ideas for future episodes, so please head over to Apple Podcasts and leave that info in a review there. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: If you’re looking to have happier mealtimes with your toddler, it’s time to enroll in my Feeding Toddlers online course! FEEDING TODDLERS: https://mylittleeater.com/feeding-toddlers/ And if you need that little extra boost of support, encouragement, and knowledge to keep raising a healthy little eater, you need to be part of my membership program, the Little Eaters Club! LITTLE EATERS CLUB: https://mylittleeater.com/little-eaters-club/ MORE ON KID’S TABLES: https://mylittleeater.com/kids-versus-family-table SKIP TO... What I like about kid’s tables (1:52) 4 Reasons I don’t recommend kid’s tables (2:53)

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