The My Little Eater Podcast

A podcast by Edwena Kennedy


106 Episodes

  1. #43: The Best Bread for Baby Led Feeding

    Published: 25/02/2021
  2. #42: Why it’s Important to Serve Your Baby Different Textures

    Published: 18/02/2021
  3. #41: How I Realized My Time Was Worth More and Why Yours is Too Mama

    Published: 11/02/2021
  4. #40: Why Your Baby is Stuck on Purees and How to Move on From Them

    Published: 4/02/2021
  5. #39: Navigating Mom Shame and Perfectionism in Motherhood

    Published: 28/01/2021
  6. #38: Overcoming Toddler Sleep Issues with Becca Campbell of Little Z’s Sleep

    Published: 21/01/2021
  7. #37: Preventing Picky Eating vs. Reversing it

    Published: 14/01/2021
  8. Bonus: Toddler Led Feeding

    Published: 12/01/2021
  9. #36: Extreme Picky Eating with Dr. Katja Rowell, aka “The Feeding Doctor”

    Published: 7/01/2021
  10. #35: Food Substitutions for When Your Baby has Allergies

    Published: 31/12/2020
  11. #34: Easy Hacks to Meal Plan for Your Baby

    Published: 17/12/2020
  12. #33: Will Grandparents ruin my healthy feeding efforts?

    Published: 10/12/2020
  13. #32: Breastfeeding Tips with Kylie Field (IBCLC)

    Published: 3/12/2020
  14. #31: Learning to eat without the TV and other mealtime distractions

    Published: 26/11/2020
  15. #30: How to Minimize Mess with Baby Led Weaning

    Published: 19/11/2020
  16. #29: Milk and Breastfeeding Requirements for Toddlers

    Published: 12/11/2020
  17. #28: One Mama’s Journey into Starting Solids the Baby Led Way

    Published: 5/11/2020
  18. #27: 5 Simple Steps for Handling Halloween Treats for Toddlers

    Published: 29/10/2020
  19. #26: Feeding Safety with Holly Choi of Safe Beginnings

    Published: 22/10/2020
  20. #25: Season Finale – Potty Training Q&A with Allison Jandu

    Published: 10/09/2020

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Baby led weaning or purees? What foods do I feed my baby? How do I get my toddler to eat veggies? How do I respond when my toddler asks for snacks all day?! Hey there, I’m Edwena Kennedy, registered pediatric dietitian and mom of two, and this is the My Little Eater podcast! Each week, I’ll be dishing out all the best info on feeding and nutrition for your baby and toddler, answering all of your what-do-I-do-when scenarios, and helping you gain complete confidence in, not only feeding your child, but in parenting as well. Every episode is filled with actionable and proven feeding strategies, delivered by a mama and feeding expert, who’s been there and done that. I hold your hand and take you step by step through all stages of feeding, while showing you how to implement what I teach you, so you can raise a happy and healthy little eater of your own!

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