#42: Why it’s Important to Serve Your Baby Different Textures
The My Little Eater Podcast - A podcast by Edwena Kennedy

In this episode, I’m speaking directly to the parents out there who’d like to start solids by offering purees, but then don’t really know when finger foods actually fit in. Do you wait for them to get their pincer grasp? Do you wait until after their first birthday? When do you stop pureeing everything? Does it even matter anyway? My recommendation will always be to introduce finger foods to your baby as early as you possibly can. Which means, as early as they start showing you that they’re ready, willing, and capable of handling finger foods. I’m all about reading your baby’s cues and following their lead! That’s exactly what I teach in my signature Baby Led Feeding method, regardless of whether you begin with purees or finger foods. Now, here’s the shocking point for most parents, usually your baby will show these signs around 6-7 months of age! That means very little time actually spent on purees. I’m sharing why this is full of benefits for your baby, and what signs to look for to know your baby is ready, so listen in (or read about it here: www.mylittleeater.com/babyfingerfoods)! And, as always, if you get value from this episode, please subscribe, rate and review it at Apple Podcasts! This is how I’m able to reach even more parents with this valuable info, plus I read every single one, I promise! ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: TEXTURE TIMELINE™ CHALLENGE: https://courses.mylittleeater.com/texturetimelinechallenge BABY LED FEEDING COURSE: https://courses.mylittleeater.com/babyledfeeding EP. 40 - STUCK ON PUREES: https://mylittleeater.com/40-stuckonpurees/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/mylittleeater/ PODCAST REQUEST: https://form.asana.com?hash=637ba960206da82669d082ca17b976d3237288d5805d908450d012018b58899e&id=1163605392084654 SKIP TO… When to move on from purees (3:50) Developing oral motor skills (8:40) Desensitizing the gag reflex (16:23) Eating with all 5 senses (19:22)