#47: Everything to know about eggs for your baby & toddler

The My Little Eater Podcast - A podcast by Edwena Kennedy


In this episode, I’m sharing absolutely everything you could ever need, or want, to know about serving eggs to your baby and toddler! I go into the differences between various types of eggs on the market, the amazing nutritional properties of eggs, how and when to serve them to your babies and toddlers, and so much more! Eggs are honestly my favourite food - if I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would be eggs! There are so many benefits to them, nutritionally, plus they’re so easy to cook, and super versatile, so they’re a great way to add some variety into your weekly meal rotation. Listen in to get all the details, and a few new ideas on ways to safely serve them to your baby and toddler. As always, if you get value from this episode, please subscribe, rate and review it at Apple Podcasts. Share this episode with a friend that is also parenting a baby or toddler, I’m sure they’d love to know all these details too! ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: If you’re looking for my top recommendations on nutrition for your baby, and on how to safely serve all types of foods - it’s time to enroll in my Baby Led Feeding online course! My new revamped version recently released, and until March 31st you’ll get access to a 30 day meal plan where I show you exactly what to serve your baby (with over 60 recipes - including the egg muffins I mention in the episode). After that, the bonus will cost extra, so enroll now to save! (https://courses.mylittleeater.com/babyledfeeding) TOP 8 FOODS FOR STARTING SOLIDS: https://mylittleeater.com/11-my-top-8-foods-for-starting-solids/ TEXTURE TIMELINE™ EPISODE: https://mylittleeater.com/42-textureprogression/ THREE REASONS TO SERVE TEXTURES ASAP: https://mylittleeater.com/babyfingerfoods/ BABY LED FEEDING INFO: https://mylittleeater.com/babyledfeeding/ BEST FISH EPISODE: https://mylittleeater.com/46-safefishforbabies/ THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO EGGS: https://mylittleeater.com/eggs/ SKIP TO... Why I love eggs for babies/toddlers (3:29) The difference between various types of eggs (8:07) Do you need to wash and refrigerate eggs? (18:25) Is there a limit to eggs for babies/toddlers? (19:29) How to serve eggs: 6-9 months old (20:16) How to serve eggs: 9-12 months old (24:32) What to consider when serving eggs to your toddler (26:24)

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