Our Gifted Kids Podcast

A podcast by Sophia Elliott


95 Episodes

  1. #072 A Very Gifted Christmas - Permission for Parents of Gifted Kids to Make This Christmas Easier

    Published: 6/12/2022
  2. #071 Unpacking Strength-Based Learning w/ Sam Young

    Published: 24/11/2022
  3. #070 Giftedness Right Now w/ Marc Smolowitz

    Published: 31/10/2022
  4. #069 Why Dungeons & Dragons is Gifted Bliss w/ Sam Young

    Published: 27/10/2022
  5. #068 A Higher Skate of Mind for Gifted Kids w/ Josh Smith

    Published: 27/10/2022
  6. #067 How to Express Your Gifted Self with Digital Music & Art w/ Johannes Dreyer

    Published: 25/10/2022
  7. #066 Why Gifted Folk Need Board Games! w/ Justin Ratcliff

    Published: 24/10/2022
  8. #065 Gifted Joy & Gifted Play; Why it's Different w/ Kate Donohue

    Published: 23/10/2022
  9. #065 Gifted Joy & Gifted Play; Why it's Different w/ Kate Donohue

    Published: 23/10/2022
  10. #064 Gifted Talented & Neurodiversity Awareness Week does #giftedjoy w/ Marc Smolowitz

    Published: 20/10/2022
  11. #063 The Journey of Parenting Gifted Kids w/ Dr Gail Post

    Published: 7/10/2022
  12. #062 Part 2 of Navigating Education with Gifted Kids w/ Kintara Phillips

    Published: 21/09/2022
  13. #061 Navigating Education with Gifted Kids w/ Kintara Phillips – Part 1

    Published: 14/09/2022
  14. #060 How to Tell Your Child They are Gifted w/ Dr Gail Post

    Published: 1/09/2022
  15. #059 College level science for kids?! w/ Dr Daniel Fried

    Published: 15/08/2022
  16. #058 Is My Child Gifted or Just Smart?

    Published: 26/06/2022
  17. #058 Is My Child Gifted or Just Smart?

    Published: 26/06/2022
  18. #057 [Gifted Awareness Week] Our Kids talk about Being Gifted [& Minecraft]

    Published: 26/05/2022
  19. #056 [Gifted Awareness Week] Grandparenting Gifted Kids w/ Nana & Pop, Part 2

    Published: 25/05/2022
  20. #055 [Gifted Awareness Week] Grandparenting Gifted Kids w/ Nana & Pop, Part 1

    Published: 24/05/2022

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Share the journey of parenting gifted kids with Sophia as she interviews experts from the global gifted community. Gifted is more than just a high IQ and parenting gifted kids is hard and lonely. Our community shares knowledge, celebrates our quirkiness and provides a safe place to be gifted and neurodivergent. Parents, researchers, psychologists, educators, authors, and more all connect here with advice and support, so we have everything we need for every member of our family to thrive. At www.ourgiftedkids.com find show notes, blogs, free resources, a paid member community, subscribe to our free newsletter or get in touch. Join the Our Gifted Kids community through our Facebook page or free group and Instagram. Don’t miss any episodes by subscribing to the podcast and help others find us by leaving a review (please!). Talk to you soon! xx

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