#069 Why Dungeons & Dragons is Gifted Bliss w/ Sam Young

Our Gifted Kids Podcast - A podcast by Sophia Elliott

It’s Gifted, Talented & Neurodiversity Awareness Week; and we’re Bringing Joy & Equity in Focus with this year’s theme. As a proud partner of The G Word, Our Gifted Kids is delighted to raise awareness once again with a whole week of podcasts. Actually, 6 episodes! Where we talk about #gifted joy! Podcast Line Up Marc Smolowitz introduces the week with - #064 Gifted Talented & Neurodiversity Awareness Week does #giftedjoy Monday #065 Gifted Joy & Gifted Play; Why it's Different w/ Kate Donohue Tuesday #066 Why Gifted Folk Need Board Games! w/ Justin Ratcliff Wednesday #067 How to Express Your Gifted Self with Digital Music & Art w/ Johannes Dreyer Thursday #068 A Higher Skate of Mind for Gifted Kids w/ Josh Smith Friday #069 Why Dungeons & Dragons is Gifted Bliss w/ Sam Young Enjoyed the podcasts? Our online community is currently open until midnight Thursday 3 November! Find out more here! Or subscribe, join our online community or get freebies, say thanks at ourgiftedkids.com Please leave a review on your podcast player and help parents find us! Our GTN Awareness Week Links Sign up for free virtual events at Gifted Talented Neurodiverse Awareness Week Subscribe to Our Gifted Kids Sign up for Our Gifted Kids Online Communities Marc Smolowitz & The G Word Kate Donohue & Dynamic Parenting Justin Ratcliff’s Favourite Board Game Links: boardgameoracle.com boardgamegeek.com Johannes Dreyer & Beat Frequency Mentoring Josh Smith & Free Mind Skate School Sam Young & Young Scholars Academy Bio Sam Young Samuel Young, MEd, is a growth-minded, two-time Fulbright Scholar and Director of Young Scholars Academy, a strength-based, talent-focused virtual enrichment center that supports twice-exceptional students and their families. Samuel is a neurodivergent educator who has ADHD. As an ADHD learner, he has a tremendous understanding of, experience in, and respect for all things related to neurodiverse education. Before founding Young Scholars Academy, Samuel taught in a variety of capacities—including nearly a decade at Bridges Academy—at an array of programs in the US, Europe, and Asia. Travel and culture are near and dear to him. He has led 2e students to over 7 countries for immersive cultural and educational trips. Samuel has been featured in the documentary 2e2: Teaching The Twice Exceptional, the textbook Understanding The Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Students, 2nd Ed., Variations Magazine, 2e News, and other publications. Hit play and let’s get started!  

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