#055 [Gifted Awareness Week] Grandparenting Gifted Kids w/ Nana & Pop, Part 1

Our Gifted Kids Podcast - A podcast by Sophia Elliott

It’s Gifted Awareness Week and we are raising awareness with three new episodes this week! In this episode, we’re talking to our gifted kids’ grandparents, Nana & Pop about what it is like to grandparent gifted kids. We talk about coming to terms with what giftedness is all about, having gifted grandkids and parenting across the generations. It was such a great conversation, we have two parts, this is Part 1. Enjoyed the podcast? then subscribe or get your show notes, free eBook or course at ourgiftedkids.com If this episode inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it in our Facebook group or Instagram or feel connected & supported in our community, the Our Gifted Kids Hub. Please leave a review on your podcast player and help parents find us! Memorable Quote “The hardest thing for me to do was change my attitude to children, you know, I had old-fashioned ideas.” – Pop “I think once you get that [giftedness], when you have the education; and you’ve got to do a bit of reading yourself, once you've kind of got that in your mind. Actually, all you have to do really is accommodate them. You just have to love them.” - Nana Resources Some great resources for learning more about giftedness… #051 How Our Brains Impact Behaviour w/ Allison Davies Podcast #027 Gifted is more than High IQ, Lets talk about the Brain! Podcast #002 What is gifted? Podcast with Dr Lynda McInnes #028 Why is Self-Concept so crucial for gifted 2E students in the early years? Podcast with Dr Geraldine Townsend James & Susie Youtube Video Is parenting gifted kids harder, or just hard? Blog Hit play and let’s get started!

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