BaseCamp Live
A podcast by Davies Owens

323 Episodes
Worldview isn’t Enough - Peter Vande Brake
Published: 19/09/2018 -
Wimpy or Worn Out? Finding the balance - Keith McCurdy
Published: 5/09/2018 -
A Fresh Perspective from Africa on this “Classical Christian School Thing” - Karen Elliott
Published: 4/09/2018 -
You Are What You Sing - Jarrod Richey
Published: 22/08/2018 -
Wisdom from Alistair Begg on Raising the Next Generation
Published: 18/08/2018 -
Education is not Neutral Oatmeal - Doug Wilson
Published: 9/08/2018 -
Some Things Don’t Change. Raising A Generation with Truth - John MacArthur
Published: 30/07/2018 -
Great Books...Great to Whom? Why It Matters - Louis Markos
Published: 17/07/2018 -
Sports Gone Mad: How to Reclaim Balance For Our Children - Ken Sugarman
Published: 4/07/2018 -
How A Low View of the Body Leads to Dehumanization in the Culture - Nancy Pearcey
Published: 26/06/2018 -
20 Years Ago He Found only 6 Christian Colleges Faithful and Today…. - Robert Benne
Published: 18/06/2018 -
Preparing for and Surviving in College - An Insider’s View - Austin Gentry
Published: 3/06/2018 -
Former Tommy Hilfiger Marketing Director Discovers Classical Christian Education (Part 1)
Published: 24/05/2018 -
THE BACKSIDE: Gordon Pennington, Former Tommy Hilfiger Marketing Director (Part 2)
Published: 24/05/2018 -
Meet the Cultural Translators - David Eaton
Published: 21/05/2018 -
A Busy Father's Guide to Supporting the Next Generation - Eric Reed
Published: 7/05/2018 -
Portrait of A Graduate: A Thirteen Year Proposition
Published: 28/04/2018 -
THE BACKSIDE: 5 Graduates, 5 Colleges, 1 Year Later (PART 2)
Published: 20/04/2018 -
5 Graduates, 5 Colleges, 1 Year Later - Thoughts on K-12 (PART 1)
Published: 20/04/2018 -
Raising Kids Who Love Christ - Making the Worlds of Home, Church and School Connect - Chap Bettis
Published: 12/04/2018
BaseCamp LIVE will equip you, the parent, educator, or mentor to climb the biggest mountains as you seek to shape young people to become exceptionally prepared, compassionate, and thoughtful human beings. Our guests are thought leaders, culture watchers, and educational experts who are seeing the benefits of a classical Christian education to form students into adults who can think critically, believe with courage, and serve compassionately.