BaseCamp Live
A podcast by Davies Owens

323 Episodes
THE BACKSIDE: Education is 99% Habits - Maryellen St. Cyr
Published: 7/04/2018 -
Education is 99% Habits and 1% Knowledge - Maryellen St. Cyr
Published: 6/04/2018 -
When Grades Rule Your Life - Laura Schlect
Published: 29/03/2018 -
Prom vs. Protocol - Afraid of Putting on Dancing Shoes? Prom A Better Way - Dell Cook
Published: 22/03/2018 -
THE BACKSIDE: Brooke Hempell of Barna Research discusses raising Gen Z
Published: 19/03/2018 -
What do parents of engaged Christian teens do differently? - Brooke Hempell
Published: 19/03/2018 -
Our world is more WONDER-filled than you realize! - Dr. Gordon Wilson
Published: 8/03/2018 -
A view from Canada: Progressive Education and what's coming next for America - Scott Masson
Published: 28/02/2018 -
How do we form a human soul? What Charlotte Mason knew about the art of education - Bill St. Cyr
Published: 19/02/2018 -
Finding Time in a World on the Run - Dick Keyes
Published: 8/02/2018 -
THE BACKSIDE (part 2): Q&A on '91% of Americans Agree With This..' - Jim Mhoon and Scott Yenor
Published: 31/01/2018 -
PART 1: 91% of Americans Agree With This; Do You? Does Your Child? - Jim Mhoon and Scott Yenor
Published: 31/01/2018 -
THE BACKSIDE: Part 2 Why classical Christian high schools are so important - Matt Skinner
Published: 18/01/2018 -
Elementary Is Not Enough - How A Classical High School BEST Prepares Kids For College - Matt Skinner
Published: 18/01/2018 -
The Scary Trend Skyrocketing In Today’s Teens - Keith McCurdy
Published: 11/01/2018 -
THE BACKSIDE: More with Scott Anderson of Desiring God
Published: 5/01/2018 -
Scott Anderson of Desiring God: What Our Kids Love Most
Published: 4/01/2018 -
Helping Teens Find Purpose in an Age of Anxiety and Depression - Tom Velasco
Published: 15/12/2017 -
Why Future Engineers Desperately Need a Liberal Arts Education - David Cutbirth
Published: 7/12/2017 -
Star Wars Does Battle Against the Me Generation - Sean McDowell
Published: 29/11/2017
BaseCamp LIVE will equip you, the parent, educator, or mentor to climb the biggest mountains as you seek to shape young people to become exceptionally prepared, compassionate, and thoughtful human beings. Our guests are thought leaders, culture watchers, and educational experts who are seeing the benefits of a classical Christian education to form students into adults who can think critically, believe with courage, and serve compassionately.