Have your cake and eat it too! Don't choose between Christian and college prep - Christy Vaughan
BaseCamp Live - A podcast by Davies Owens

Can we have our cake and eat it too? Parents often worry that a Christian school may produce students who are strong spiritually but not academically. They sometimes feel forced to choose between a moral education and one that will help their child get into college. What if there was a type of Christian education that helps students far outperform not just their public school counterparts but students at other Christian schools as well? When Christy Vaughan’s own grandchildren completely changed after beginning to attend a classical Christian school, she wanted to know more about this method of teaching and what difference it could make on a standardized test like the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test). The PSAT is not only prep for the SAT, but high scorers can qualify for a prestigious National Merit Scholarship. She compared scores of regular Christian schools and classical Christian schools. She discovered a glaring difference. Why?