Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro

A podcast by Katie Ferraro


510 Episodes

  1. A History of the 100 First Foods Approach to Baby-Led Weaning

    Published: 5/10/2020
  2. Goat Milk, Gut Health and Skin Symptoms with Annie Salsberg, MSc (cand) ND

    Published: 1/10/2020
  3. Leafy Greens: 5 Easy Ways For Your Baby to Safely Eat Greens

    Published: 28/09/2020
  4. Car Seat Safety and Feeding Considerations with The Car Seat Lady Alisa Baer, MD

    Published: 24/09/2020
  5. Chopped: BLW Edition Part 1

    Published: 21/09/2020
  6. What do I do if My Baby Has an Allergic Reaction? with Ron Sunog, MD

    Published: 17/09/2020
  7. Is it Too Late to Start Baby-Led Weaning?

    Published: 14/09/2020
  8. Dog Meets Baby: BLW Do's + Don'ts For The Whole (Furry) Family with Alexandra Parry, DVM

    Published: 10/09/2020
  9. How to Drop a Milk Feed

    Published: 7/09/2020
  10. Overstuffing: What If My Baby Takes Big Bites? with Dawn Winkelmann, MS, CCC-SLP

    Published: 3/09/2020
  11. Explaining Baby-Led Weaning to a Skeptic: 10 Benefits of Baby-Led Weaning

    Published: 31/08/2020
  12. Tongue Ties & Lip Ties: Do These Affect Baby's Ability to Self-Feed with Dr. Shaina Holman, DDS, PhD

    Published: 27/08/2020
  13. Temperature: Should I Serve My Baby's Food Hot, Cold, Room Temp...Does it Matter?

    Published: 24/08/2020
  14. How Tube Fed Babies Can Become Independent Eaters with Jennifer Berry, MS, OT/L and Heidi Liefer Moreland, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, CLC

    Published: 20/08/2020
  15. Eggs: 7 Easy Ways to Safely Feed Your Baby Eggs

    Published: 17/08/2020
  16. How to Flavor, Season & Spice Your Baby's Food with Kanchan Koya, PhD

    Published: 13/08/2020
  17. Oatmeal: How Your Baby Can Safely Self-Feed Oatmeal

    Published: 10/08/2020
  18. Parents in Eating Disorder Recovery: What to Know Before You Feed Your Baby with Grace Wong, MS, RD

    Published: 6/08/2020
  19. How to Balance Your Baby’s BLW Plate

    Published: 3/08/2020
  20. Just Starting Baby-Led Weaning? Ask Me Anything...

    Published: 30/07/2020

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Is your baby ready to start solid foods but you’re feeling overwhelmed or confused about baby-led weaning? Babies can eat so many more foods than we give them credit for and you don’t have to force-feed or spoon-feed to get them to eat real food! I’m Katie Ferraro, Registered Dietitian specializing in infant feeding and baby-led weaning. I’m a college nutrition professor and mom of 7, and my goal is to help you start solid foods safely using baby-led weaning. On this podcast I share practical tips on safe food preparation and starting solid foods, as well as in-depth interviews with other feeding experts. Listen to learn how you can get your baby to safely enjoy real food so that you can start enjoying mealtimes again too!

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