Baby-Led Weaning with Katie Ferraro

A podcast by Katie Ferraro


510 Episodes

  1. Black Food Matters and Food Justice with Hanna Garth, MPH, PHD

    Published: 10/12/2020
  2. 5 Things NOT to Buy When Starting Baby-Led Weaning

    Published: 7/12/2020
  3. Threatened with CPS Call for Feeding Baby Curry with TikTok Mom Graca Walters

    Published: 4/12/2020
  4. How to Pick a Milk When Your Baby Turns 1

    Published: 30/11/2020
  5. Family Feeding Gift Guide: Katie's BLW Gift Picks

    Published: 27/11/2020
  6. Baby Hunger & Fullness Cues: What They Are & How to Spot Them

    Published: 23/11/2020
  7. Sustainable Meat: Smart Selections for Starting Solids with Diana Rodgers, RD

    Published: 19/11/2020
  8. Canned Foods that CAN Work for Baby-Led Weaning

    Published: 16/11/2020
  9. Baby Behavior at Mealtimes: What the Science Says with Tina Payne Bryson, PhD

    Published: 12/11/2020
  10. HELP! My Baby Has NO Interest in Food at First

    Published: 9/11/2020
  11. How to Create a Pressure-Free Feeding Environment with Jessica Setnick, MS, RD, CEDRD-S

    Published: 5/11/2020
  12. Travel + Restaurants: Taking Your BLW Show on the Road

    Published: 2/11/2020
  13. Happy Half-Birthday BLW Podcast!

    Published: 1/11/2020
  14. The Evidence Behind Baby-Led Weaning with Amy Brown, PhD

    Published: 29/10/2020
  15. Pumpkin: 5 Easy Ways Your Baby Can Safely Eat Pumpkin

    Published: 26/10/2020
  16. Sugar and Why Your Baby Should Avoid it with Robert Lustig, MD, MSL

    Published: 22/10/2020
  17. 100 First Foods Graduates

    Published: 17/10/2020
  18. BLW Food Fast & Slow: Instant Pot Cooking with Jenna Helwig

    Published: 15/10/2020
  19. Chopped: BLW Edition Part 2

    Published: 12/10/2020
  20. How to Pre-Load a BLW Spoon: Self-Feeding Technique with Dawn Winkelmann, MS, CCC-SLP

    Published: 8/10/2020

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Is your baby ready to start solid foods but you’re feeling overwhelmed or confused about baby-led weaning? Babies can eat so many more foods than we give them credit for and you don’t have to force-feed or spoon-feed to get them to eat real food! I’m Katie Ferraro, Registered Dietitian specializing in infant feeding and baby-led weaning. I’m a college nutrition professor and mom of 7, and my goal is to help you start solid foods safely using baby-led weaning. On this podcast I share practical tips on safe food preparation and starting solid foods, as well as in-depth interviews with other feeding experts. Listen to learn how you can get your baby to safely enjoy real food so that you can start enjoying mealtimes again too!

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