The PedsDocTalk Podcast
A podcast by Dr. Mona Amin - Wednesdays

353 Episodes
"How to find balance in life after becoming a mom"
Published: 25/07/2022 -
5 Ways social media affects our parental mental health and how to bring back peace
Published: 20/07/2022 -
"I'm feeling disrespected when my 3-year old doesn't listen"
Published: 18/07/2022 -
Why is my pediatrician so burnt out? Is concierge medicine the future?
Published: 13/07/2022 -
"What happened to my 21-month old who used to be a great sleeper?"
Published: 11/07/2022 -
The good and bad of screen-time for child health and development
Published: 6/07/2022 -
When you’re so tired of risk-assessment decision fatigue as a pandemic parent
Published: 4/07/2022 -
The power (and misconceptions) of routines for children
Published: 29/06/2022 -
How to help a 4-year old picky (or selective) eater try new foods
Published: 27/06/2022 -
How to stay connected to purpose and joy in chaotic times
Published: 22/06/2022 -
Feeling tapped out as a working mom
Published: 20/06/2022 -
Finding Joy in Marriage and Parenting: A conversation with my husband
Published: 15/06/2022 -
"What to do about my 18-month old who bites, hits, and kicks?"
Published: 13/06/2022 -
Does my toddler have ADHD? How young is too young?
Published: 8/06/2022 -
A hesitant 6.5 month old during meal times
Published: 6/06/2022 -
When life keeps handing you lemons and you’re tired of making damn lemonade
Published: 1/06/2022 -
Sibling Jealousy
Published: 30/05/2022 -
Are reward systems for children really THAT bad?
Published: 25/05/2022 -
Misconceptions on bilingual households and child development
Published: 23/05/2022 -
The misconceptions about playtime and child development
Published: 18/05/2022
Join Pediatrician and mother Dr. Mona Amin as she equips parents with the tools to thrive and feel confident in parenthood. Episodes include conversations with experts in the field of child development, child health, parental mental health and well-being, answering questions directly from parents, and parenting guidance and mindset tips to get YOU the most out of your parenting journey. Follow her on Instagram @pedsdoctalk and subscribe to her YouTube for more!