The PedsDocTalk Podcast
A podcast by Dr. Mona Amin - Wednesdays

353 Episodes
Nightmares vs. night terrors
Published: 16/05/2022 -
Baby led weaning made easy and enjoyable with Author Jenna Helwig
Published: 11/05/2022 -
5 values that will bring you more peace and confidence in your life and as a mom
Published: 4/05/2022 -
5 Tips for Making Brushing Teeth Fun and not a Fight
Published: 2/05/2022 -
How social media has harmed public health
Published: 27/04/2022 -
"How will postpartum depression impact my child's development?"
Published: 25/04/2022 -
Secondary Infertility after Birth Trauma
Published: 20/04/2022 -
Toddlers and private parts privacy
Published: 18/04/2022 -
How to foster your child’s autonomy and build confidence with this simple principle
Published: 13/04/2022 -
How to raise a child with a fire to succeed who is also not afraid of failure
Published: 6/04/2022 -
The relationship between screen time and visual conditions in children
Published: 30/03/2022 -
A 15-month old who is refusing to sit in their high-chair
Published: 28/03/2022 -
How to reset a negative day when you feel like you're spiraling
Published: 23/03/2022 -
My top 10 tips for promoting language development
Published: 21/03/2022 -
What's up with the new CDC milestone update? A conversation between a pediatrician, OT, PT and SLP
Published: 16/03/2022 -
Avoiding power-struggles when grandparents take care of your child
Published: 14/03/2022 -
Why breaking cycles of generational trauma are difficult but important
Published: 9/03/2022 -
10 Tips for navigating motherhood when you don't have that proverbial village
Published: 7/03/2022 -
Why forgiveness is so powerful in healing and self-growth
Published: 2/03/2022 -
Nap refusal in a 2.5 year old toddler
Published: 28/02/2022
Join Pediatrician and mother Dr. Mona Amin as she equips parents with the tools to thrive and feel confident in parenthood. Episodes include conversations with experts in the field of child development, child health, parental mental health and well-being, answering questions directly from parents, and parenting guidance and mindset tips to get YOU the most out of your parenting journey. Follow her on Instagram @pedsdoctalk and subscribe to her YouTube for more!