The Language of Play - Kids that Listen, Speech Therapy, Language Development, Early Intervention

A podcast by Dinalynn Rosenbush, SLP | Speech Pathologist, Parent Mentor, Communication with Kids - Thursdays



206 Episodes

  1. 26 Four Strategies to Create Frustration Tolerance in Children

    Published: 13/03/2023
  2. 25 Angela Alexander: When the Unthinkable Happens. Language That Aids in Healing After Extreme Loss

    Published: 9/03/2023
  3. 24 ”NO!” Six Possible Responses To Get Cooperation

    Published: 6/03/2023
  4. 23 EVERYDAY PARENT: Mary Jackson: Non-verbal to speaking and even attending college! Captivating story of struggle and hope to help ALL parents!

    Published: 2/03/2023
  5. 22 Do You Know How to Expand Your Child’s Language Skills? Here’s a Picture Book Example

    Published: 27/02/2023
  6. 21 ”Goofy Play.” Find it Annoying? How to Handle and When to Allow

    Published: 23/02/2023
  7. 20 SUCCESS STORY: Kathryn Johnson Grew Up With Disabilities. Her Tips For Facing Obstacles

    Published: 20/02/2023
  8. 19 EVERYDAY PARENT: How Lois Successfully Met Her Children’s Different Learning Needs!

    Published: 16/02/2023
  9. 18 Do Your Kids FEEL LOVED This Valentine’s Day? Let’s Find Out!

    Published: 13/02/2023
  10. 17 EXPERT: Consuela Munoz: Discovering Your Child’s Strengths and How to Lead from You Own!

    Published: 10/02/2023
  11. 16 Do You Have a Shy, Hesitant Child? 3 Steps That Are Sure to Help!

    Published: 6/02/2023
  12. 15 EVERDAY PARENT: Wendy Cocke! Have you ever wondered how to successfully work from home with kids around? Strategies that help children experience work positively.

    Published: 2/02/2023
  13. 14 Using the Game of Memory to Teach Your Child Vocabulary with Simplicity

    Published: 31/01/2023
  14. 13 EVERYDAY PARENT: Vicki Noethling Shares a Success Story With Autism

    Published: 27/01/2023
  15. 12 EVERYDAY PARENT: Planning a Learning Adventure with Kids; A Success Story with a Twist

    Published: 26/01/2023
  16. 11 Building Deeper Connection Through Communication using SIGNS with Your Babies

    Published: 20/01/2023
  17. 10 3 Ways to Figure Out What Your Child is Saying When They are Hard to Understand

    Published: 16/01/2023
  18. 09. TWO Announcements and ONE Request!

    Published: 15/01/2023
  19. 08 Bilingual Kids and Speaking Delays in Multi-Language Households

    Published: 13/01/2023
  20. 07 How Language Is Learned In A Dual Language Home with a thought to Consider

    Published: 10/01/2023

10 / 11

Getting Kids to Listen, Happy Home, Speech Therapy, Family Connection, Communication with Kids, Coaching Are you tired of repeating yourself with your children or wonder why they don’t listen? Are you frustrated that your kids argue, whine or debate with you? Are you afraid you are doing the wrong thing to manage behavior but you are not sure what to do? Hey parents, you don’t need to stay overwhelmed, exhausted, and triggered by the fuss. In this podcast, you will find solutions to …get kids to listen better with clear communication and boundaries that benefit kids. All while enhancing your relationships! My mission is to help puzzled, busy, worried parents read their child’s behavior as communication. When we understand what they are communicating, WE start to communicate differently. This is true of children with normal language development, children in dual language homes, and children with language delay. When your Language is Playful, you use words that allow for discovery, creativity, curiosity and exploration, which empowers and encourages. Connection is born. Connected kids are courageous and listen better. Connected kids have fewer meltdowns. Listen in to learn strategies for teaching and listening so that your child feels seen and heard and you build resiliency. Hello, my name is Dinalynn Rosenbush, mom, grandma, Speech Language Pathologist of over 25 years. I’ve worked with hundreds of children with speech & language delays and personally, navigated divorce and single parenting. Through training and my own struggles, I learned to use specific language in specific ways to build connection. I learned to teach AND USE better communication. Our communication is not only our words, but it is the feeling our children have when we speak with them. Let’s create a home where exploration is welcomed, mistakes are stepping stones, and practice is expected. Your kids know you are on their team. And, eventually, they will join your team! Because, what works for speech and language disabled children, simply works! I believe all parents should have access to these skills, not just specialists. It is my hope to give small nuggets of information in each episode to build your communication toolbox. So, if you are ready to build deep, meaningful connection AND create a more peaceful, productive and happy home. Listen in! Let’s interrupt the way you have been parenting. so that you CAN BECOME THE PARENT you WANT to be. I’m glad you are here! Dinalynn CONTACT: [email protected]

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