28 ”Why Won’t The Kids Listen!??” part 1: ATTENTION: 4 factors to watch for!

The Language of Play - Kids that Listen, Speech Therapy, Language Development, Early Intervention - A podcast by Dinalynn Rosenbush, SLP | Speech Pathologist, Parent Mentor, Communication with Kids - Thursdays

Hey Friend, Why won’t the kids Listen!?? You ask!  There are many factors that influence a child’s ability to do as told.  In this mini-SERIES of episodes, we shall unpack some of those reasons!  After each episode, you will know what to explore watch for in your child, on each specific topic!  So grab a cup of coffee along with your notebook and pen. You will want this arsenal of ideas to add to as we explore over the next several sessions, Why DON'T the kid's listen? In this episode, we talk about ATTENTION as ONE factor that influences how well our children are capable of listening.  You will have 4 influences to identify in your child and in your routine parenting that you may not have thought about before.  I hope this helps!    If as you listen to the ideas presented, some of you will find all you need to make the difference you wish, for with your kiddos.  That is SO GREAT!!  However, some of you will want to know more and go deeper in learning how to get your kids to listen!  If this is you, email me at [email protected] and we can book a call to discuss ways you can work with me directly. I look forward to hearing from you!   Dinalynn CONTACT: [email protected]   LISTEN TO THE OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES:  28 Series: Why Won’t The Kids Listen!??  part 1:  ATTENTION: 4 factors to watch for! 29: Series: "Why Won't the Kids Listen?!!" part 2: Processing Information 30 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part3: Tools For When Language Processing is Difficult 31 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part4: Strategies for Building Listening SKILLS 32 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part 5: Are You Making Their Listening Worse? 4 strategies to change that. 33 Series: “Why Won’t the Kids Listen!?” part 6: BiG EMoTioNS! 4 things to ask yourself before you respond.   FREEBIES:   What is PLAY: https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/what-is-play Grocery store meltdown helps:  https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/meltdown Conversation Starters for Teens and Parents:  https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/conversation-starters    

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