Pumped Up Parenting | The Best Advice that NO ONE ELSE GIVES YOU about Raising Kids in Today's World

A podcast by Celia Kibler


179 Episodes

  1. Being Your Best Self & Getting Over What You Were Taught To Believe

    Published: 10/02/2022
  2. Believing in Your Kids, Believing in You, Set them Up For Success!

    Published: 4/02/2022
  3. Is MATH A Struggle for Your Child? Is Math a Struggle for you?

    Published: 23/01/2022
  4. What Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. can teach all of us, especially parents.

    Published: 18/01/2022
  5. Are Considering Blending a Family? Be sure to be intentional about transitioning your children into their new world.

    Published: 11/01/2022
  6. How to Reconnect to Your Kids and Begin Understanding Each Other

    Published: 5/01/2022
  7. GRIEF: How To Help Your Kids Handle Sibling Loss or Any Loss?

    Published: 20/12/2021
  8. Are You Feeling Worthy of Feeling GREAT?

    Published: 13/12/2021
  9. If You Listen to No Other Podcast, Listen to THIS!

    Published: 6/12/2021
  10. Are You Thinking of Calling it Splits with Your Spouse?

    Published: 27/11/2021
  11. Are You Thinking Your Little Athlete Could Go Pro One Day? Want to know how?

    Published: 16/11/2021
  12. What You Can Start Doing RIGHT NOW to Help Your Child Be Successful in School

    Published: 7/11/2021
  13. 10 Ways to Start Creating a Healthy Blended Family with Celia Kibler

    Published: 31/10/2021
  14. The State of World, Raising Teens, Covid, Aliens, Teaching Kids to Think for Themselves, plus a whole lot more.

    Published: 24/10/2021
  15. COMMUNICATION is KEY and the gateway to connecting & motivating your kids.

    Published: 15/10/2021
  16. CURIOSITY: Can it be an integral part of your child's school & life journey?

    Published: 10/10/2021
  17. The Many Faces of Families: What's your definition of what a family should look like?

    Published: 29/09/2021
  18. Thinking that Maybe you DON'T WANT CHILDREN? But what would everyone think?

    Published: 19/09/2021
  19. Are You An IMPERFECT PARENT? Aren't we all at some point?

    Published: 11/09/2021
  20. MONEY: How to get better at money & live the way you want, your kids too.

    Published: 30/08/2021

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Being a parent is hard, in fact it's quite the adventure. We need questions answered, we need to know stuff that we don't even know we need to know. Join Celia Kibler, Family & Relationship Empowerment Coach & Author of “RAISING HAPPY TODDLERS, with over 40 years of mom & professional experience; offering valuable advice and information that relates to you and your kids. Celia talks with experts that contribute their advice in engaging conversations, that also include Celia's easy to understand parenting techniques, so that you get the whole picture and can incorporate it into your family.

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