Are Considering Blending a Family? Be sure to be intentional about transitioning your children into their new world.

Pumped Up Parenting | The Best Advice that NO ONE ELSE GIVES YOU about Raising Kids in Today's World - A podcast by Celia Kibler


In this podcast I discuss 5 strategies to transition your kids and your step-kids into their new family life. Don't just throw them together and expect it to work. Don't just assume it won't work, because if done correctly, it absolutely can. As an expert in successful blended families, I will be the one to coach you completely through this podcast. Discover how I have been able to successfully parent a blended family for over 26 years now. I have total faith that you can do it too, if you take action on preparing and respecting the kids. Recognize how they are being affected by all of this and what various emotions they have going into this new living environment that they are being thrown into. Get your copy of THE PATIENCE PLAYBOOK mentioned in this podcast at PUMPEDUPPARENTING.COM Join MY TRANQUILITY TRIBE at MYTRANQUILITYTRIBE.COM ++++++++ Thank You for listening! Here are some great ways we can connect! 1. Need more help? Let's grab some coffee or tea and talk. Go to and choose the time that works for you. 2. Looking for a manual for parenting your child? It's finally here and you can grab your copy of my latest book today! RAISING HAPPY TODDLERS: HOW TO BUILD GREAT PARENTING SKILLS & STOP YELLING AT YOUR KIDS New Children’s Books available too… BEING DIFFERENT IS FUN I AM GRATEFUL ALL ABOUT ME 3. Become a Member of my TRANQUILITY TRIBE and STOP YELLING Once & For All. 4. Read my latest article to find out how to stop yelling... 5. Looking to be part of a fun free and informative FB community (without all the bitching)?... join us in Pumped Up Parenting 6. Love YouTube? Do you know there are lots of parenting videos, story time videos for you and your kids, as well as some great family workout videos? All on Pumped Up Parenting with Celia Kibler 7. Follow me on Instagram! 8. Join me on my newest platform PEANUT: Connecting women across fertility & motherhood

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