Our Gifted Kids Podcast

A podcast by Sophia Elliott


95 Episodes

  1. #015 How do I talk to my gifted child about sex? With Dr Matt Zakreski

    Published: 15/03/2021
  2. #014 Understanding 2E with Amanda Drury

    Published: 10/03/2021
  3. #013 Screen time, Help! Jocelyn Brewer talks Broccoli & Digital Nutrition.

    Published: 1/03/2021
  4. #012 Unleash your Giftedness with Nadja Cereghetti from Unleash Monday

    Published: 22/02/2021
  5. #011 Filmmaker Marc Smolowitz talks about The G Word Film

    Published: 15/02/2021
  6. #010 Growth Mindset with Big Life Journal Founder, Alexandra Eidens

    Published: 7/02/2021
  7. #009 The Our Gifted Kids Story

    Published: 1/02/2021
  8. #008 Top Secret Parent Talk About Santa

    Published: 20/12/2020
  9. #007 Megan's journey of parenting a twice exceptional child

    Published: 13/12/2020
  10. #006 Is Montessori a good match for giftedness? – Selena’s Story

    Published: 8/12/2020
  11. #005 Starting Over - Tennille's Story.

    Published: 28/11/2020
  12. #004 Gifted Kids Books with Gloria & Peter van Donge

    Published: 30/10/2020
  13. #003 Perfectionism & Heavy Expectations - Sharing Samantha’s Story

    Published: 22/10/2020
  14. #002 What is Gifted? With Lynda McInnes, Principal of a School for Gifted Kids

    Published: 20/10/2020
  15. #001 Welcome to Our Gifted Kids Podcast

    Published: 19/10/2020

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Share the journey of parenting gifted kids with Sophia as she interviews experts from the global gifted community. Gifted is more than just a high IQ and parenting gifted kids is hard and lonely. Our community shares knowledge, celebrates our quirkiness and provides a safe place to be gifted and neurodivergent. Parents, researchers, psychologists, educators, authors, and more all connect here with advice and support, so we have everything we need for every member of our family to thrive. At www.ourgiftedkids.com find show notes, blogs, free resources, a paid member community, subscribe to our free newsletter or get in touch. Join the Our Gifted Kids community through our Facebook page or free group and Instagram. Don’t miss any episodes by subscribing to the podcast and help others find us by leaving a review (please!). Talk to you soon! xx

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