#002 What is Gifted? With Lynda McInnes, Principal of a School for Gifted Kids
Our Gifted Kids Podcast - A podcast by Sophia Elliott

Today I’m speaking with Lynda McInnes, Principal of Dara School for gifted kids about What is Gifted? Find out what Bart and Lisa from the Simpsons can tell us about being gifted! It might not be what you think! In the episode you’ll hear: There is no single definition of giftedness Giftedness is also called highly abled Children are usually gifted in particular areas but rarely in all areas Using psychological assessment to identify strengths Asynchronous development – being age-appropriate in some areas and gifted in other areas Learning at their stage (not age) in each subject Differentiation and the challenges of teachers to cater to variance of six years in a classroom The importance of differentiating for gifted kids Gifted kids need more than differentiation in the classroom What Bart & Lisa Simpson can tell us about gifted kids About starting a school for gifted kids Gifted kids not fitting into mainstream schools Finding your tribe Gifted kids don’t have all the gifted characteristics Hit play and let’s get started! Memorable Quote “When you have a relevant curriculum that’s relevant to that child then all their issues disappear… boredom, disruptive behaviour disappears.” – Lynda “We’re falling behind internationally and …within our current context of education, it’s an inclusive education, so, all children of the same age are placed into the same classroom to do the same work then each teacher is expected to differentiate the curriculum so you can accommodate their needs…. the research shows… there are 6 years of difference in one classroom… how can a teacher do it?” – Lynda Resources Dara School for Gifted Children What is Giftedness? – National Assoc Gifted Children What is this "gifted" thing anyway? – Davidson Institute Subscribe & Review If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about your biggest takeaway in the comments. For more episodes, you can subscribe, and to help others find our podcast please leave a review. You can find show notes and more resources at www.ourgiftedkids.com See you in the same place next week. Connect Connect with me on LinkedIn Instagram & Facebook!