Have a New Kid by Friday Podcast

A podcast by Dr. Kevin Leman: NY Times Best Selling Author - Tuesdays



256 Episodes

  1. My 2-year-old is hitting me and screaming at the top of their lungs. What can I do? — Ask Dr. Leman 188 (Episode 403)

    Published: 1/02/2022
  2. Authoritarian parenting is right. I dare you to tell me it isn't! (Episode 402)

    Published: 25/01/2022
  3. How do we prepare our firstborn for a sibling? — Ask Dr. Leman 187 (Episode 401)

    Published: 18/01/2022
  4. Permissive parenting can't be all bad, can it? (Episode 400)

    Published: 11/01/2022
  5. Growling no isn't working. What can I do? — Ask Dr. Leman 186 (Episode 399)

    Published: 4/01/2022
  6. How do I talk to my kids about the disappointments of life? (Episode 398)

    Published: 28/12/2021
  7. Why doesn't Birth Order work for my 6 kids? — Ask Dr. Leman 185 (Episode 397)

    Published: 21/12/2021
  8. Helping Your Kids Through the Holidays with a Split Family (Episode 396)

    Published: 14/12/2021
  9. How do I get respect and peace back from my kids? – Ask Dr. Leman 184 (Episode 395)

    Published: 7/12/2021
  10. Toning Down the Gift Giving (Episode 394)

    Published: 30/11/2021
  11. Why isn't the playpen curbing my 2-year-old's tantrums? – Ask Dr. Leman 183 (Episode 393)

    Published: 23/11/2021
  12. The Terrible Twos: Fact or Fiction? (Episode 392)

    Published: 16/11/2021
  13. My daughter is throwing things around the house. When is it time for Vitamin N? – Ask Dr. Leman 182 (Episode 391)

    Published: 9/11/2021
  14. How to Change Your Powerful Spouse and Kids (Episode 390)

    Published: 2/11/2021
  15. My 2 boys are always scheming together to create chaos and destruction. How do we stop it? — Ask Dr. Leman 181 (Episode 389)

    Published: 26/10/2021
  16. How do I build a strong and lasting family? (Episode 388)

    Published: 19/10/2021
  17. How do I effectively parent my children with distinct personalities? — Ask Dr. Leman 180 (Episode 387)

    Published: 12/10/2021
  18. 3 Keys to Parenting Before Age 5 (Episode 386)

    Published: 5/10/2021
  19. I found my 11-year-old nephew with women's underwear. What should I do? — Ask Dr. Leman 179 (Episode 385)

    Published: 28/09/2021
  20. The Leman Way in Your Kid's School (Episode 384)

    Published: 21/09/2021

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Want a kid without the attitude? A kid with character who isn't a character? If you're tired of defiant attitudes and power struggles with our ankle-biters or the disrespectful hormone group, listen to this podcast for the simple principles to Have a New Kid. Dr. Leman with his signature wit and commonsense psychology reveals why your kids do what they do and what you can do about it!

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