Have a New Kid by Friday Podcast

A podcast by Dr. Kevin Leman: NY Times Best Selling Author - Tuesdays



256 Episodes

  1. Why can't I get my preschooler to stop fibbing? — Ask Dr. Leman 198 (Episode 423)

    Published: 21/06/2022
  2. How do I get my kid to put their phone down? (Episode 422)

    Published: 14/06/2022
  3. Why won't my youngest kids finish their chores? — Ask Dr. Leman 197 (Episode 421)

    Published: 7/06/2022
  4. No Curfew? You're Crazy. (Episode 420)

    Published: 31/05/2022
  5. What do I do when my 18-year-old wants to drop out of high school? — Ask Dr. Leman 196 (Episode 419)

    Published: 24/05/2022
  6. How to End Nightly Bedtime Battles (Episode 418)

    Published: 17/05/2022
  7. My kid went to college and became uncompliant. What do I do? — Ask Dr. Leman 195 (Episode 417)

    Published: 10/05/2022
  8. What do I do if my teenager is having you-know-what in MY house? (Episode 416)

    Published: 3/05/2022
  9. My 11-year-old won't take ownership. — Ask Dr. Leman 194 (Episode 415)

    Published: 26/04/2022
  10. How do I deal with a child that is lying to me? (Episode 414)

    Published: 19/04/2022
  11. How do I parent my 18-year-old who lives at home? — Asked Dr. Leman 193 (Episode 413)

    Published: 12/04/2022
  12. The 6-Year Limit (Episode 412)

    Published: 5/04/2022
  13. Why don't I fit my Birth Order profile? — Ask Dr. Leman 192 (Episode 411)

    Published: 29/03/2022
  14. How do I help my indecisive teenagers? (Episode 410)

    Published: 22/03/2022
  15. Is it too late to change for the sake of my kids? — Ask Dr. Leman 191 (Episode 409)

    Published: 15/03/2022
  16. Make It Their Home Now or They Will Never Return (Episode 408)

    Published: 8/03/2022
  17. How do you parent to Birth Order with 6 kids? — Ask Dr. Leman 190 (Episode 407)

    Published: 1/03/2022
  18. B Doesn't Start Until A Is Completed (Episode 406)

    Published: 22/02/2022
  19. Why is my son behaving at home, but causing problems while at school? — Ask Dr. Leman 189 (Episode 405)

    Published: 15/02/2022
  20. How could helping our kids be bad? (Episode 404)

    Published: 8/02/2022

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Want a kid without the attitude? A kid with character who isn't a character? If you're tired of defiant attitudes and power struggles with our ankle-biters or the disrespectful hormone group, listen to this podcast for the simple principles to Have a New Kid. Dr. Leman with his signature wit and commonsense psychology reveals why your kids do what they do and what you can do about it!

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