Early Risers

A podcast by Minnesota Public Radio


41 Episodes

  1. Early Risers: Wisdom From Our Guests

    Published: 10/08/2022
  2. A Pediatrician Gets Real with His Patients in Talking About Race

    Published: 27/07/2022
  3. How Babies Start to Learn About Race

    Published: 13/07/2022
  4. Helping Children to Love the Skin They’re In

    Published: 29/06/2022
  5. Disrupting the bias within us

    Published: 15/06/2022
  6. The Power of Place: Visiting George Floyd Square with Young Children

    Published: 1/06/2022
  7. Bias and the Developing Brain

    Published: 19/01/2022
  8. Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan—A Live Recording

    Published: 29/12/2021
  9. Making immigrant and refugee stories visible: a conversation with children’s book author Bao Phi

    Published: 15/12/2021
  10. What’s Happening in the Classroom? Early Childhood Educators and Implicit Bias

    Published: 1/12/2021
  11. Rethinking Thanksgiving: How to speak to young children about historical and racialized trauma

    Published: 17/11/2021
  12. Race Matters: A Conversation about Transracial Adoption and Multiracial Families

    Published: 3/11/2021
  13. The Danger of Being ‘Color Silent’: Talking about Race with Young Children

    Published: 20/10/2021
  14. Teaching Anti-Racism; A Live Recording

    Published: 25/06/2021
  15. Connecting Children to Indigenous Cultures

    Published: 26/05/2021
  16. Where Does Racism Come From? Best Selling Author and Therapist Resmaa Menakem Breaks It Down for Caregivers

    Published: 19/05/2021
  17. When it comes to race, there is no such thing as "colorblind" - at home or in school

    Published: 12/05/2021
  18. Healing the hurt; helping children work through racialized conflict

    Published: 5/05/2021
  19. We Are the Same and We Are Different; How to Talk about Diversity with White Kids in White Communities

    Published: 28/04/2021
  20. Bad Things Happen: Helping Young Children Process Racism and Violence.

    Published: 21/04/2021

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George Floyd’s death was a tragedy and a wake up call — expanding a global conversation about race and racism. And young children have been watching it all. So how do we help them make sense of this? Early Risers is a podcast from Little Moments Count and MPR with frank facts, engaging stories and real how-tos for anyone who cares about raising children with a clear-eyed understanding of cultural differences, race and implicit bias. Hosted by Dianne Haulcy of The Family Partnership.

Visit the podcast's native language site