We Are the Same and We Are Different; How to Talk about Diversity with White Kids in White Communities
Early Risers - A podcast by Minnesota Public Radio

Minnesota’s population is 80% white. Many communities across the state have few if any Black or Native people or people of color. So how can we teach children to celebrate diversity and talk about race, racism and bias when all their neighbors are white? Early childhood education expert Louise Derman-Sparks shares her rationale and creative tools for teaching white children about race, racism and diversity.Resources“What if All the Kids are White” Paper by Louise Derman-Sparkshttps://www.teachingforchange.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/ec_whatifallthekids_english.pdf Excerpt from NAEYC Anti-Bias Curriculum: “The Hurtful Power of Silence”https://www.naeyc.org/sites/default/files/globally-shared/downloads/PDFs/resources/pubs/abe2e-chap-4-excerpt.pdf Article: Talking with Children about White Privilegehttps://www.parents.com/kids/responsibility/racism/how-to-explain-white-privilege-in-term-simple-enough-for-a-child/ Excerpt from NAEYC Anti-Bias Curriculum: How Educators Begin Anti-bias Workhttps://www.naeyc.org/sites/default/files/globally-shared/downloads/PDFs/resources/pubs/abe2e-chap-1-excerpt.pdf More on Persona Dolls https://www.amazeworks.org/education-programs/persona-dolls/