What is Grief? with Alison Knowles

The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

Welcome to the SENDcast. The phrase 'Every teacher is teacher of SEND' is currently an ideal, not a reality. We created the SENDcast to try and help solve that problem, to help make schools more inclusive and to help teachers be teachers of SEND. The SENDCast is also a great way to get the same information to parents and other people working with young people with SEND. Dale's guest this week is Alison Knowles. Alison is an emotional therapist, she supports emotional resilience. In this episode Dale and Alison discuss grief. Grief is so much more than losing a loved one. It’s a traumatic emotion experienced at the loss of or perceived loss of something innately important to an individual.   Useful Links https://www.facebook.com/OllieandhisSuperPowers https://twitter.com/bemoreollie https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWDj-PRjboIg2cu-KZsEMVA https://www.instagram.com/ollie_and_his_super_powers https://www.ollieandhissuperpowers.com/  

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