Tips for singing with children - using music inclusively across the curriculum with Al Start

The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

This week Dale is joined by Al Start to discuss some helpful tips to help teachers use music and songs in the classroom. Al has worked with children for over 20 years in a variety of ways and over the last 15 years she has been creating, teaching and performing songs for children. Singing with children can be a scary idea if you’re not musically trained, but introducing music and singing into children’s daily learning routine will open up so many opportunities for learning, creativity, behaviour management and wellbeing. With some handy tips, anyone can use singing and music without a musical background. There isn’t enough support for teachers to try music in the classroom - but the benefits are plentiful - for both pupils and staff. Music is always way down on the curriculum and thought of as a specialist subject. However it should fill your classroom throughout the day, whatever subject you’re teaching.   Resources: Go Kids Music – Where you can find songs and albums, songbooks and membership Sing Up -  

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