The Tes SEND Show with Beverley Walters
The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

Beverley joins Dale for this special episode highlighting what's on at this year's Tes SEND Show 13 - 14 October in London and why you should be there! "It's an absolutely fantastic place to network and there's so much to learn, so much to take advantage of and we've just packed so much into the programme." Beverley Walters Attending Tes SEND Show provides the opportunity for the entire school workforce to stay up to date with latest SEND issues, stay connected at a national level and find out the latest developments, policy updates such as the SENDAP Improvement Plan and how to implement them; to network with peers, exhibitors, speakers and to invest in their own CPD. Visitors can hear Michael Rosen read poems and present the winners of our poetry competition, as well as attend the Leadership Summit, Tes Editor’s Chats, free Keynotes at the start of each day, the innovative and entertaining SEND TeachMeet and inspirational Parent, Carer and Teacher Forum… to name just a few things happening in a jam-packed two day show. About Beverley Exhibition Director & Head of Content, Tes SEND Show. Beverley has over 20 years’ experience of organising and curating events for the education sector, focusing on special educational needs and disability (SEND). She is responsible for the Tes SEND Show’s content strategy and structure across all 42 seminars, parent and carer forum presentations, exhibition management and exhibitor workshops. Beverley is passionate about raising awareness of SEN and has a wealth of knowledge and experience of the SEN sector. As safeguarding Governor of a special SEMH school in the West Midlands, Beverley stays up to date with the latest policy and issues impacting front line staff and brings this knowledge and experience to Tes SEND Show. Useful Links Tes SEND Show · B Squared Website – · Meeting with Dale to find out about B Squared - · Email Dale – [email protected] · Subscribe to the SENDcast -