Supporting NQTs with SEND
The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

In this episode Dale is joined by Natalie Packer to talk about how to support NQTs to meet the needs of pupils with SEND. With very little Initial Teacher Training around SEND, they have a lot to learn in supporting pupils with SEND. Yet, they will be supporting pupils with SEND from their first day of teaching. Schools need to provide support and training. This is a special episode, it is our first birthday! We are a year old!!! I would like to thank everyone who has been involved with the SENDCast, all our guests and our team who produce the podcast, manage the social media and help make this podcast happen. And finally, thank you to all of you, our listeners. In a year we have had over 30,000 listens!! This is abosultely phenomenal and all the feeback we have received has been amazing and it is great seeing it shared on social media so thank you everyone! Useful Links: Effective SEND practice in ITT - Teachers’ Standards: Early careers framework - SEND induction checklist - Natalie Packer (to send) SEN Support and the graduated approach nasen mini guide: Special Educational Needs in mainstream schools, EEF guidance report - SEN Support: Research evidence …document by DfE: My book - Focus On training for staff available at SEND Reflection framework - SEND videos for NQTs (coming soon) – will be available at Contact Natalie Packer Website – Email – [email protected] Twitter – @NataliePacker For more podcast episodes from the SENDcast click below…