*Special Episode* Response to the SEND Review with Lorraine Petersen OBE

The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

Last week Lorraine Petersen OBE joined Dale in the studio to deliver a presentation on the SEND Green Paper. It was a fantastic summary of the 104 page document which has helped SENCOs save time and understand the key points and implications for schools.   We’ve turned the session recording into a special edition podcast so that you can listen anytime, anywhere. A chance to listen to the presentation, discussion and the questions and answers - it is around 2 hours long, so be prepared!!! If you want to watch the session instead, it is still available, you just need to register for FREE and watch on demand. About Lorraine Petersen OBE Lorraine has 25 years’ experience in mainstream and special school environments as a Teacher and Headteacher. From 2004 – 2013 Lorraine was CEO of nasen, a charitable organisation supporting all those who work with children and young people with SEND. She worked on a number of projects with various agencies including the Department for Education, the National College of Teaching and Leadership and UKTI. She has also been a chair, keynote speaker and workshop facilitator at numerous national and international events and conferences. In 2009 Lorraine was awarded an OBE for her services to education. Lorraine now runs LPEC an educational consultancy dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, including those with mental health needs. www.lpec.org.uk/SEND Review Contact Lorraine Website: www.lpec.org.uk Facebook: @LorrainePetersenEC Twitter: @lorrainep1957

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