Pupil Voice and Choice Making with Sarah-Jane Critchley

The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

About Sarah-Jane Critchley Sarah-Jane is an Author, Speaker, Consultant and Coach from Different Joy Partnership. She was previously the Programme Manager for over 10 years at the Autism Education Trust. Pupils with autism often struggle with attending school for a number of reasons. Her daughter Beth is autistic and also suffers from migraines which meant from Year 3 onwards she missed a lot of school and missed over 50% of her GCSE classes, eventually dropping out of school in year 12. Contact Sarah-Jane: Twitter: @SarahJaneCritch Instagram: www.instagram.com/sarahjanecritchley/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/differentjoy/ Useful Links 0-5 Developmental milestones: Development Milestones (justonenorfolk.nhs.uk) Jim Sinclair – Don’t mourn for us - Don't Mourn for Us (ucsc.edu) Growth mindset – Carol Dweck - https://youtu.be/_X0mgOOSpLU For more podcast episodes from the SENDcast click below… https://sendcast.wpengine.com/sendcast-episodes/

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