How exercise is different for children with SEND and why it matters with Miriam Saffer
The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

There is a lot of talk about the need for reasonable adjustments and targeted support for those with SEND when it comes to school, but far less about the need for accessibility and inclusion in other aspects of life. Research shows that the rates of obesity, asthma, heart disease and many other long term negative health outcomes are significantly higher in communities and groups of the population who have a disability, whether that’s a physical or a neurodivergent condition. Keeping physically active is vital to good health, but depending on a young person's needs, the options available can be extremely limited. In light of this, Miriam Saffer a Consultant in Inclusion, Neurodiversity and Special Educational Needs, joins Dale in this episode to discuss ‘How exercise is different for children with SEND and why it matters’. Miriam highlights the barriers to engaging in sport and exercise for children and young people with SEND. These challenges range from difficulties in understanding game rules during PE lessons, to issues encountered in noisy gym environments. Exercise-based interventions for children with SEND have a wide range of benefits. By raising awareness of the need for such interventions and understanding their positive impact, we can make a significant difference in the long-term outcomes for many children and young people. Listen to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of exercise and the benefits of sport-based interventions on physical health, emotional well-being, and long-term outcomes across all areas of SEND. About Miriam Saffer Miriam is the founder of Illuminate Inclusion, an organisation that provides a range of services for families, professionals and community organisations. Miriam is a specialist in neurodiversity who works with a range of needs, including ADHD, autism and dyslexia. Her background is in special educational needs. She has worked extensively across primary, secondary and further education settings both as a teacher and SENCO/ALNCO. Contact Miriam [email protected] Useful Links Blog On-demand webinars · B Squared Website – · Meeting with Dale to find out about B Squared - · Email Dale – [email protected] · Subscribe to the SENDcast - The SENDcast is powered by B Squared We have been involved with Special Educational Needs for over 25 years, helping show the small steps of progress pupils with SEND make. B Squared has worked with thousands of schools, we understand the challenges professionals working in SEND face. We wanted a way to support these hardworking professionals - which is why we launched The SENDcast! Click the button below to find out more about how B Squared can help improve assessment for pupils with SEND in your school.