Healing the trauma of COVID 19 - The Recovery Curriculum for all pupils with Sarah Jane Critchley Part02
The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Sarah Jane Critchley to discuss the Recovery Curriculum, designed to help heal the trauma of COVID 19. This is the second part of this episode, so if you missed the previous episode, please go listen to that one first. In a post-COVID world, many children in our schools will have experienced a number of losses and the schools they are returning to are not the same as the places they left. They have lost routine, structure, friendship, opportunity and freedom. How can listening to them and their parents help their academic as well as emotional recovery? Useful Links: Recovery Curriculum Think Piece by Professor Barry Carpenter and Matthew Carpenter - https://barrycarpentereducation.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/recovery-curriculum-loss-and-life-for-our-children-and-schools-post-pandemic.pdf Tina Rae. A Toolbox of Wellbeing - Helpful strategies & activities for children, teens, their carers & teachers. Hinton House, 2020. http://hintonpublishers.com/isbn_template.php?isbn=978-19-12112-55-5&x=65&y=39 Happiness Box – Beverley Cockbill - https://www.evidenceforlearning.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Rationale-for-the-Happiness-Box-Bev-Cockbill-Recovery-Curriculum-LearningShared-Ep-7.pdf Books Beyond Words – Coping with coronavirus https://booksbeyondwords.co.uk/coping-with-coronavirus Mental health Journals for 4 stages KS1/2 KS2/3, KS3/4 and KS 4/5 from Butterfly Print UK https://www.butterflyprint.co.uk/product-category/mental-health/mental-health-journals/ How to contact Sarah-Jane: Twitter: @SarahJaneCritch Instagram: www.instagram.com/sarahjanecritchley/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/differentjoy/