Dyspraxia - More Than Just Clumsiness with Kim Griffin
The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

Dyspraxia or Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD) is often thought of as clumsiness, but it is quite misunderstood and incorrectly used. Dyspraxia is far more than just the way you’re moving, it’s your ability to plan what you’re doing and being able to come up with ideas. These executive function difficulties can have a huge impact on children, especially in secondary school. If you don’t have the capacity to plan, or have imagination of what that looks like, that can lead to anxiety and fatigue as an outcome. Kim Griffin is an Occupational Therapist and joins Dale for this week’s episode to discuss ‘Dyspraxia – more than just clumsiness’. Kim gives great insight into the impact of dyspraxia and breaks it into a ‘triple cause’ where you can have difficulties in one or all three areas – ideation, planning and doing. “One of the most helpful things I think I can teach a child with dyspraxia is to ask for help and also to say I don't understand.” Kim Griffin Listen to hear real-life, first-hand examples and top tips on how you can support pupils in your setting. About Kim Griffin Kim is an occupational therapist with 20 years’ experience supporting children, young people, their families and teachers to participate successfully in their daily lives. Her interest areas are sensory processing and autism. Kim provides online training for those who want to learn more about sensory processing, motor skills and handwriting along with programmes that show you have to help children improve their skills. Contact Kim Griffin Website - www.GriffinOT.com Email - [email protected] Twitter - @Griffin_OT Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/GriffinSensoryOT/