Do You Need to be an Expert in Every Area of SEND? with Clare Ward and Dr Jamie Galpin
The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

Over the next few years, over 25% of the school population is projected to be on the SEN register! Teachers are under increasing pressure to be experts in multiple diagnoses, and many are feeling overwhelmed. This is unsustainable and this pressure can result in a retreat from inclusion, with an increasing number of children being positioned outside an ever-shrinking idea of a ‘mainstream child’. Dale Pickles is joined by Clare Ward and Dr Jamie Galpin in this week’s podcast. Clare has worked in the world of SEN for the last 30 years in a variety of roles and Jamie also has a long career in SEN. They have both come along to discuss this burning question - how do you become an expert in every area of SEND? Is it even possible? Resources: The Anxiety Workbook for Supporting Teens Who Learn Differently – published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers 21st April 2021.