Changing the Ds in ADHD with Fintan O'Regan
The SENDcast - A podcast by Dale Pickles

Dale's guest is Fintan O’Regan, Fintan is a trainer and consultant for schools and school support systems including, Social Services, Health, the Police and Foster carers. He has worked with a number of organisations including NASEN, Institute of Education, Leicester University, the UK ADHD Network and the European ADHD Alliance. And before this he was a headteacher of a specialist school for students with ADHD, ASD and ODD. Fintan is a regular here in our studios, he has recorded a number of episodes of the SENDcast, he is a regular speaker at our Virtual SEND Conferences and has recorded a training course for us around Exclusion. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and would therefore be seen by most people as being a challenge and not an opportunity. Indeed some years ago Dale heard a parent describe to another parent that ADD stood for Attention Devastation Disorder such was the impact on her life. Language is important and as a result we suggest reframing the term ADHD in a more positive and accurate way. In addition we discuss both the history and future of the term and outline a range of strategies and suggestions to support individuals with ADHD at school and at home. Resources: O’Regan F (2018) Successfully Managing Children ADHD Second edition :Routledge Falmer Press O’Regan F (2020) Supporting behaviour in the classroom: Sage publications limited Cave S and O’Regan (2021) Attention difficulties: How to help: Pavillion books group: O’Regan F (2020) 100 top tips for Supporting Parents with Children with ADHD O’Regan F (2018) Supporting children with ADHD: Learning Behaviour The Defiant Child: Douglas Riley