#51: Colin Bedell - Astrology, The Power of Vulnerability, Allowing Joy, Daily Rituals
The Lifted Podcast - A podcast by Helen Denham - Wednesdays
Colin, the founder of Queer Cosmos, is a fabulous Gemini from New York. He is a passionate student of astrology, personal growth systems, and the universal spiritual themes explored in A Course in Miracles. You might recognize him from Cosmopolitan magazine and Astrology.com where he is a weekly contributor as an astrologist. Colin is also the author of A Little Bit of Astrology: An Introduction to the Zodiac - an Amazon bestseller. He says, "The zodiac, in all its magnificent glory, is a dialogue. It's a dialogue with enough room for everyone at the table. In the zodiac, there's specific energy bestowed to each sign; a kind of prototypical magic endowed to all, a dynamic to each two, and a magnificent harmony to all twelve. Every sign communicates something valuable to the other." @queercosmos | www.queercosmos.com 'Cultivating Confidence' the Course is available now! @helendenham_ | www.helendenham.comYou are loved.