Your Daily Writing Habit

A podcast by ChristineInk


519 Episodes

  1. Episode 1477: Story Behind the Story

    Published: 4/06/2023
  2. Episode 1476: Writing Fundamentals Exercise

    Published: 3/06/2023
  3. Episode 1475: Is It Worth It?

    Published: 2/06/2023
  4. Episode 1474: Labels vs. Stories

    Published: 1/06/2023
  5. ADHD and Authors with Guest Brendan Mahan, M.Ed., MS.

    Published: 31/05/2023
  6. Episode 1473: On Writing it in a Book

    Published: 30/05/2023
  7. Episode 1472: Habits Scaffolding

    Published: 29/05/2023
  8. Episode 1471: What If You Fail?

    Published: 28/05/2023
  9. Episode 1470: First for You, Then for Others

    Published: 27/05/2023
  10. Episode 1469: 5 #AmQuerying Sanity Tips

    Published: 26/05/2023
  11. Episode 1468: Story Changes You First

    Published: 25/05/2023
  12. Episode 1467: Getting Stuck in Advice Getting

    Published: 24/05/2023
  13. Episode 1466: Florida Eavesdropping

    Published: 23/05/2023
  14. Episode 1465: 2 Mindset Tips for New Grads (And All of Us)

    Published: 22/05/2023
  15. Episode 1464: Limits of Imagination

    Published: 21/05/2023
  16. Episode 1463: A Futuristic Writing Prompt

    Published: 20/05/2023
  17. Episode 1462: Author Scams

    Published: 19/05/2023
  18. Episode 1461: Tangents and Offshoots

    Published: 18/05/2023
  19. Episode 1460: Projecting Subversive Thoughts

    Published: 17/05/2023
  20. Episode 1459: AI and Authors - Part 11 (I think...)

    Published: 16/05/2023

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In Your Daily Writing Habit Christine "Ink" Whitmarsh shares her expert writing secrets so YOU can write (and finish!) a book that changes lives! Christine's mission is to inspire and help as many people as possible to share their stories and life lessons in book form, thereby transforming the lives of others. Christine, a celebrity ghostwriter, bestselling author, and book coach, is the owner of The Ink Agency, a professional book services agency serving clients worldwide since 2003 (formerly Christine Ink - Writing With Impact). The Ink Agency helps authors write, publish and promote extraordinary books that drive powerful brands. Over the course of her 18 years as a professional writer, Christine, a "creative scientist" by nature, has mastered the process of developing, writing and COMPLETING top quality books.

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