Twin Talks

A podcast by New Mommy Media | Independent Podcast Network - Tuesdays



103 Episodes

  1. Bringing Home Twins: The First Week

    Published: 17/09/2019
  2. Birthing Your Twins at Home

    Published: 10/09/2019
  3. Breastfeeding Twins at Night

    Published: 3/09/2019
  4. Chances of Twinning: Genetics and Fertility Treatments

    Published: 27/08/2019
  5. Sleep Training Your Twins

    Published: 13/08/2019
  6. Au Pairs: Affordable Childcare for Your Twins

    Published: 6/08/2019
  7. Sleep Tips for Newborn Twins

    Published: 30/07/2019
  8. Inside the NICU: Transitioning Twins to Home

    Published: 23/07/2019
  9. Are Twin Moms More Likely to Get Postpartum Depression?

    Published: 9/07/2019
  10. Teaching Your Twins to Embrace Individuality

    Published: 2/07/2019
  11. Back to Work After Twins: Finding Flexibility

    Published: 25/06/2019
  12. Vanishing Twin Syndrome

    Published: 18/06/2019
  13. Fascinating Facts About Twins

    Published: 11/06/2019
  14. DNA Zygosity Testing for Twins

    Published: 21/05/2019
  15. Starting Preschool with Your Twins

    Published: 23/04/2019
  16. Preparing Your Twin Nursery

    Published: 9/04/2019
  17. Inside the NICU: Follow-up and Outpatient Care

    Published: 2/04/2019
  18. Twin Baby Gear Essentials: Baby Carriers

    Published: 5/03/2019
  19. Inside the NICU: Bonding with your Babies

    Published: 26/02/2019
  20. Twin Developmental Milestones: Movement and Physical Activity

    Published: 20/11/2018

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We encourage parents who are expecting twins as well as experienced moms and dads of multiples. Together, we explore the unique challenges new parents face when raising two or more children of the same age. Join us as we embrace the joys of parenting when you’ve got double the duty.

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