The Whole Parent Podcast

A podcast by Jon Fogel - WholeParent


39 Episodes

  1. How to Not Raise a Nazi (with Alfie Kohn).... #39

    Published: 20/02/2025
  2. The invisible thing killing your marriage (with Eve Rodsky) #38

    Published: 6/02/2025
  3. What to do when we mess up [featuring an excerpt from Punishment-Free Parenting] #37

    Published: 30/01/2025
  4. Parenting ADHD Kids (with Dr. Josh & Dr. Tina Payne Bryson) #36

    Published: 23/01/2025
  5. 5 Hacks: How to Speak Kid #35

    Published: 16/01/2025
  6. New Year, New You? #34

    Published: 31/12/2024
  7. Managing [Holiday] Stress (with Dr. Aditi Narurkar) #33

    Published: 25/12/2024
  8. The Big Santa Controversy #32

    Published: 19/12/2024
  9. The Science of Feelings (with Dr. Marc Brackett) #31

    Published: 17/12/2024
  10. Becoming Conscious (with Dr. Shefali) #30

    Published: 3/09/2024
  11. How to Get Your Toddler to LISTEN #29

    Published: 12/07/2024
  12. The Bedtime Hack That Saved My Sanity #28

    Published: 4/07/2024
  13. Gentle Parenting with KJ from Big Life Journal #27

    Published: 20/06/2024
  14. Collaborative Consequences (Discipline Part 2) #26

    Published: 18/06/2024
  15. Parenting a Highly Sensitive Child #25

    Published: 11/06/2024
  16. Sibling Conflict (Siblings Part 2) #24

    Published: 6/06/2024
  17. Raising Emotionally Intelligent Kids #23

    Published: 4/06/2024
  18. Punishment-Free Parenting with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson #22

    Published: 30/04/2024
  19. Why kids usually "prefer" one parent #021

    Published: 23/04/2024
  20. Picky Eaters (with #020

    Published: 18/04/2024

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Welcome to 'The Whole Parent Podcast,' where we dive deep into evidence-based parenting strategies, blending cutting-edge psychology with real-world experience. Each episode offers insightful discussions, expert interviews, and practical tips to empower you and your family through the joys and challenges of raising children. Join us as we explore not just the highs of parenting, but navigate the complexities and embrace the journey together.

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