The SENDcast

A podcast by Dale Pickles


257 Episodes

  1. The Magic of ‘High Value’ Strategies for Pupils with SEND in the Classroom with Angela Scott

    Published: 15/08/2024
  2. Identifying Dyslexia and Why it Matters with Dr Helen Ross

    Published: 8/08/2024
  3. Getting Your Voice Heard as a SENCO with Ginny Bootman

    Published: 1/08/2024
  4. My Journey With Behaviour with Catrina Lowri

    Published: 25/07/2024
  5. Living with Dyscalculia with Peter Cherry and Cat Eadle

    Published: 18/07/2024
  6. Effective Use of Visuals to Aid Communication with Kerry Thalia

    Published: 11/07/2024
  7. Looking and Trusting Inside Rather Than Looking For Solutions Externally with Alison Knowles

    Published: 4/07/2024
  8. Zones of Regulation with Kim Griffin

    Published: 27/06/2024
  9. School Attendance with Suzy Rowland, Fintan O'Regan and Sarah-Jane Critchley

    Published: 20/06/2024
  10. Person-Centred Approaches: Clarity or Confusion? with Angela Scott

    Published: 13/06/2024
  11. Morphology with Louise Selby

    Published: 6/06/2024
  12. Whole Life Mental Health Meanderings with Dr Helen Ross

    Published: 30/05/2024
  13. Working with Parents with Lynn How

    Published: 23/05/2024
  14. Your Senses and Your Mental Health with Joanna Grace

    Published: 16/05/2024
  15. What is an OT? with Kim Griffin

    Published: 9/05/2024
  16. Parenting foster/adopted children with Alison Knowles

    Published: 2/05/2024
  17. A Profound Separation with Joanna Grace

    Published: 25/04/2024
  18. The National SEND Picture with Simon Tanner

    Published: 18/04/2024
  19. Controller, Friend or Benevolent Dictator with Fintan O'Regan

    Published: 11/04/2024
  20. GIRL UNMASKED – Autistic Masking, School and Mental Health with Emily Katy

    Published: 4/04/2024

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The SENDcast is a weekly podcast focusing on Special Educational Needs, it is an amazing way to keep up to date with all the different areas within SEN, best practices and to improve your knowledge around SEND.

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