The Postpartum Podcast
A podcast by Kellie Edson

86 Episodes
Episode 41: "It's about Positive not Perfect" with Stephanie Dullanty
Published: 17/05/2016 -
Episode 40: "The Days are Long and The Years are Short" with Sarah Homec of Mommy Mailbox
Published: 10/05/2016 -
Episode 39: "Take it one day at a time, you aren't alone" with Kate Abbott, author of Walking After Midnight: Into and Out of Postpartum Depression
Published: 3/05/2016 -
Episode 38: "We Can Do Hard Things" with Stasia Savasuk of Thrift Me Pretty
Published: 19/04/2016 -
Episode 37: "Accepting Changing Priorities, Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness" with Sara Haley
Published: 12/04/2016 -
Episode 36: The Power of Podcast and Social Media and New Motherhood with Bryn Huntpalmer of The Birth Hour Podcast
Published: 5/04/2016 -
Episode 35: “Lessons of Labor, how birth translates into life lessons.” With Julia Aziz
Published: 29/03/2016 -
Episode 34: “Touch is our first sense developed and the last sense to leave us” – Infant Massage and Watsu® Massage with Jillian Van Ness
Published: 22/03/2016 -
Episode 33: "Parenting is like Super Mario and Rolling with the Punches" with Brian Salmon, aka Brian the Birth Guy
Published: 8/03/2016 -
Episode 32: “Trust in yourself and find YOUR tribe with Nathalie Saenz of Dearest Doula
Published: 1/03/2016 -
Episode 31: "Is your placenta in your birth plan?" with Tamara Morales of
Published: 23/02/2016 -
Episode 30: "It's never going to turn out the way you expect it to" with Tiffany Han of the Raise Your Hand Say Yes Podcast
Published: 9/02/2016 -
Episode 29: Preparing for Postpartum and Letting Go of Perfectionism with Kirsten Brunner
Published: 2/02/2016 -
Mini Episode: Wink Fertility Thermometer Giveaway!
Published: 25/01/2016 -
Episode 28: "This Won't Last Forever" and Fertility Awareness with Danielle Stratford of Appleseed Fertility
Published: 19/01/2016 -
Episode 27: Postpartum Thyroiditis, Health and Healing with Naturopathic Doctor Jolene Brighten
Published: 12/01/2016 -
Episode 26: "Healing from Birth Trauma with Hypnotherapy" with Michelle Lockett, Hypnotherapist & Doula
Published: 5/01/2016 -
Mini Episode: Happy Holidays, A Book Update & See you in 2016!
Published: 21/12/2015 -
Episode 25: "You Know Your Baby Better Than Anyone Else" with Me, Kellie Edson, interviewed by Kelsey Wharton
Published: 8/12/2015 -
Episode 24: “Being a Careful Observer: Listen More & Talk Less” with Carmen Oates, Doula
Published: 24/11/2015
In this biweekly podcast, Kellie Edson, childbirth educator-in-training chats with both birth professionals and regular moms about all aspects of the transition to parenthood. Whether this is your first child or your tenth, I hope that you gain new knowledge, insights or just plain old comfort from this twice per month show. This podcast was born out of the belief that with each child born, a mother is born (or reborn) and that transition in all of its messy, beautiful chaos deserves to be honored, supported, and celebrated.