The PedsDocTalk Podcast

A podcast by Dr. Mona Amin - Wednesdays



353 Episodes

  1. "They Called us Exceptional:" The downfall of the model-minority narrative

    Published: 14/08/2024
  2. Robin Arzón on Finding Joy as a Mom by Sharing the Care with Her Village

    Published: 7/08/2024
  3. Red Light, Green Light foods: Why labeling foods as “good” or “bad” can do more harm than good

    Published: 31/07/2024
  4. Is my child shy or is it anxiety?

    Published: 24/07/2024
  5. Why Strength Training is Important in Pregnancy and Beyond

    Published: 17/07/2024
  6. How Newborn Feeding Challenges Impact Mental Wellness in the 4th Trimester and How to Navigate

    Published: 10/07/2024
  7. Mirror Neurons: Why They're Important in Child Development

    Published: 3/07/2024
  8. Co-sleeping to Independent Sleep: Strategies for Success!

    Published: 26/06/2024
  9. 5 Lessons A Father of 11 KIDS Has Learned

    Published: 19/06/2024
  10. The power of play for kids and why you’re likely overthinking it

    Published: 12/06/2024
  11. The Power of Practical Optimism

    Published: 5/06/2024
  12. Raising inclusive kids: Why food allergies should matter to everyone

    Published: 29/05/2024
  13. When it's not just typical postpartum adjustment but postpartum anxiety or depression

    Published: 22/05/2024
  14. Trauma Therapy: Why you may need EMDR

    Published: 15/05/2024
  15. “But What Will People Say?” Breaking cultural stereotypes surrounding mental health conversations

    Published: 8/05/2024
  16. Dads can struggle with postpartum mental health too

    Published: 1/05/2024
  17. East meets West: The differences and similarities of child health and parenting in India and the U.S.

    Published: 24/04/2024
  18. Why Are Friendships After Becoming a Mom So Hard To Make and Maintain?

    Published: 17/04/2024
  19. The 'Default Parent' Dilemma: Strategies for Shifting Dynamics

    Published: 10/04/2024
  20. The 5 Principles of Parenting – Science-Backed Tools to Raise Good Humans with Dr. Aliza Pressman

    Published: 3/04/2024

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Join Pediatrician and mother Dr. Mona Amin as she equips parents with the tools to thrive and feel confident in parenthood. Episodes include conversations with experts in the field of child development, child health, parental mental health and well-being, answering questions directly from parents, and parenting guidance and mindset tips to get YOU the most out of your parenting journey. Follow her on Instagram @pedsdoctalk and subscribe to her YouTube for more!

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